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accidentally choosen event files (perhaps with Pano's MFE?)

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  • accidentally choosen event files (perhaps with Pano's MFE?)

    I think ToT offers the opportunity to let the computer pick a random event file at the beginning of the game, but although I own both ToT and FanW, I want to develop my current SCN for both versions.
    Has anyone ever implemented random event files in Fantastic Worlds?
    Is someone out there who can tell me how a batch file or a simple program can do this random process, please help me...

    Or, which I would prefer: Pano, could you extend the function of your Multifile Editor so that this option can be used?
    Civilization Webring Forum

  • #2
    The ability to implement multiple event file and scenario files is built into FW, MGE and ToT.

    Check out the SLeague's Design Tip Section. Cam Hills wrote a tip on this topic.


    • #3
      Here the direct link for the tip.
      [This message has been edited by William Keenan (edited June 03, 2000).]


      • #4
        I've already thought about adding a random function in the next version of MFE (you could even randomize only a part of Events) but for the moment I'm making a example scenario (because I think it's really hard to understand without it). I hope it will be finished within a month, then I will start making MFE v2.0...



        • #5
          First of all, thanks for your reply, but...

          The ability to implement multiple event file and scenario files is built into FW, MGE and ToT.

          When I tried to use such random event files in FW, it did'nt work :-(
          I think as Cam mentions in his tip, this is only available in ToT.
          But I think there must be a workaround (at least until the next MFE version is released): It should be possible to write a batch file which sets some random parameters and decides which ecent files to copy... but I regret I'm not that good at DOS command - maybe someone could help? :-)
          Civilization Webring Forum


          • #6
            I really can't add much beyond the abovementioned tip other than suggest that you can construct your multiple *.scn files to interact with the events file to give the effect of a randomised events file. This is kind of the same thinking that I've attributed to Miner in the tip...

            For instance in 'Version A' of your *.scn file, you could include a unit which is unique to that particular version. Include an 'if-unit-killed' trigger in the events file leading to a 'give-technology' action. From that point you can fire 'if-received-technology' triggers through the events file, sending the scenario off on a tangent.

            In 'Version B' (an *.alt file) you could include a different one-off unit that performs in the same manner (but with a different technology number), sending the scenario off on another tangent.

            This can (or should be able to..) be done again and again so long as you can afford the events or unit space required.

            As per usual, I have not tested this theory , but can't envisage it not working, as the events file won't fail if it can't find an active unit (as far as I recall).

            n.b. - I don't know anything much about batch files, so there could still be options with that approach.


            • #7
              Actually, thats not quite what I had in mind, but is in fact, even more ingenious than my own proposal!


              • #8
                Thanks for that really neat idea!!
                The only problem would be that the space in my event file is fully used...
                But perhaps the following would work:
                After a while a text message appears and suggests to run different batch files replacing the events by different ones[depending on the "received-technology" event].
                BTW, as a result the events could be assigned consistent to the various scenario alterations - which would be in contrast to ToT, as pointed out in your SLeague tip. So your advice should also prove useful in Test of Time if it is a crucial condition that the selected event depends on the scenario version...

                Still, I'll try to see if a batch file randomizing the event files before one starts the scenario would work...
                As I already stated, events memory and space for technologies and units are getting rare in my scen...
                Civilization Webring Forum


                • #9

                  You've fully used ToT's event space???

                  I'd be pleased to add to the tip the results of your findings. I have to confess that I'm a dunce when it comes to things such as authoring batch files, so your advice would be most useful.

                  (Smiley overload???)


                  • #10
                    For a while I've had an idea about how to get alternate events in FW, but I haven't tried it yet. It's based on the way FW stores embeds events into scenario files. Here it is:

                    1. Create an events.txt file.

                    2. Start up an scenario file, so that the events are loaded.

                    3. Save the scenario as a normal saved game.
                    This causes the events to be embedded in the saved game file. Rename it to .alt, and use a hex editor to set the scenario flag, turn off the cheat flag etc.

                    4. Repeat for each alternate scenario.

                    Each alternate scenario has a different version of the events embedded in it, but I'm worried that perhaps civ will reload the events from events.txt when you start the scenario. Perhaps removing events.txt would prevent this.

                    So what do you think? Will it work?



                    • #11
                      Cam: I would be pleased if I could contribute to your work - but the batch approach lead to no results... Writing such a .bat file would be very complicated as there is no random command in DOS - and as I already stated, the only possibilty I read off was employing the time (which would have to be converted und split up into parts...

                      Dusty: At first I was sceptical if the effords wouldn't be too complex(hex editing scenario flag etc.), but then I saw how esay it is (thanks to Allard's tip)... Very good idea!
                      I'll promise to extensively test your idea - for now I've had no errors, I hope it acts as it should do...
                      Civilization Webring Forum

