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We could use your suggestions on final unit graphics specs for Clash of Civs

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  • We could use your suggestions on final unit graphics specs for Clash of Civs

    We are finalizing our unit graphics specs over the next week or two. We'd like to get a lot of input, especially from you in the scenario design community. The current discussion is in the <A HREF="">Graphics thread</A>. Its pretty long, but you can probably just skim the first half of page 1. There's also some older discussion in the <A HREF="">Grafix for Military Units</A> thread.

    Thanks for checking it out.

    Mark Everson
    Project lead for The Clash of Civilizations
    (That means I do the things nobody else wants to do ;-) )
    This Radically different civ game needs your suggestions and/or criticism of our design.
    Check our our Forum right here at Apolyton...

    Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
    A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
    Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!

  • #2
    doh' double post
    [This message has been edited by johnmcd (edited November 26, 1999).]


    • #3
      Its true, work continues apace, units are now being made, we would like to take your suggestions on board speak now!


      • #4
        For those of us who don't regularly follow the CofC forum, it would be great to get an update on the overall progress. How soon can we expect a beta version to be released?
        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


        • #5
          Hi tecumseh:

          I can't give you an honest target, because I don't know what our future coding resources will be. That's the Big bottleneck right now. For the moment I'm our only consistent coder, although there are others working more intermittently.

          If it remains mostly me, then I'd say something like next August for a reasonably functional, if not polished, early beta. If we can get say three others fairly soon, working a solid 10-15 hrs a week, the date would probably drop to April. And it'd be significantly more polished.

          We continue to put out alpha demos regularly. They now have some of the final combat and military unit functionality, and a rudimentary AI to play against. Alpha graphics will be out for our demo 4, released in maybe 2 weeks.

          If you know any programmers with java or C experience, please send 'em our way!
          Project Lead for The Clash of Civilizations
          A Unique civ-like game that will feature low micromanagement, great AI, and a Detailed Government model including internal power struggles. Demo 8 available Now! (go to D8 thread at top of forum).
          Check it out at the Clash Web Site and Forum right here at Apolyton!

