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Jihad 2000: The unenlightenment

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  • Jihad 2000: The unenlightenment

    Yeah, that's the name of my upcoming scenario.
    Wanna know what it's about?
    Ever wondered if there was a God? And, if so, which one? What's the meaning of life? Why are we here? Well, this scenario takes a look at this.
    On new year's eve, 1999, people were out getting drunk, having sex, dancing, and posting on the Apolyton Forums.
    But noone expected what was to happen, because as the countdown to 2000 started, there came a great trembling, and a storm broke out across the globe, shrouding the Earth with tremendous claps of thunder, and large forks of lightning. Tsunamis ravaged the coastline, and duststorm raged across the deserts. It was like the power of God being unleashed upon the earth. But the burning question was, which God? Well, it turned out to be All Of Them! The Gods of the major religions descended onto the world, bringing with them their heroes and prophets. Jesus Christ appeared in Rome with a host of angels, Brahma and his crew descended upon India, Mohammed and Allah, went to Mecca, Buddha turned up in China, Yahweh appeared in Jerusalem, and a bunch of primitive spirits and gods turned up in various places as well.
    This resulted in the immediate formation of different factions, The Christians, The Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and Islam. But there were still many people who refused to follow any of the Gods, and they became the Atheist nation. And there's also the primitives, but they don't stand a chance.
    The Religious factions, threw away their guns and technology, while the Atheists continued to embrace science.
    The aim of the game is to convert the masses (using force of course) to your cause, thus eliminating all other beliefs, making your belief the one and only ruler over Earth. Which means, if the Atheists win, all Gods will cease to exist, but if the Christians, for example, win, Jesus will reign supreme, and Gays, scientists, and atheists will subsequently be executed, contraception will be banned, thus spreading STDs and making the world overpopulated, the resources will be depleted, and the oceans will be contaminated, the forests will be cleared, and there'll be no solution, because there'll be no scientists to find one.

    Sorry.... got a little sidetracked

    Anyway, There'll be two seperate tech. trees, The religious one, and the Atheist one. The Atheist tree will be an enlightened one, full of wondrous technologies to make the world a better place. The religious one will be going towards two things, domination of the world, and domination of the mind.

    I'm endeavouring to make this scenario as contraversial as possible, I'm looking forward to seeing Michael Jeszenka's: "Dracon is the anti-christ, let's kill him!" threads in the off-topic forum. Sorry Mike, but hey! Even you could get a laugh out of this one, eh?
    I'm setting out to make a mockery of the world's religions, and open people's minds to the folly of wasting your life by preparing for death (i.e becoming a priest).

    I also would like to include a lot of politically incorrect humor, but funny humor.

    But I need your help! I need all kinds of religious-oriented graphics, and lot's of good ideas!!! If you're an idea machine, or a graphics wizz, my ICQ is 14879467, and my e-mail is
    So be a part of this great project! People of any religiious background can help (if they want to)


  • #2
    Yes! Sadistically making fun of the worlds religons! Conquering the bigoted religous nutcases! Where do I sign up!

    Truth is stranger than fiction, and people are weirder than both.
    "And how much, my fellow warriors, can a world change in a mere 800 revolutions??!!"
    -Shiplord Kirel, Worldwar:In the Balance

