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Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty Four"

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  • Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty Four"

    Hello everyone. Nice to post here.
    Over the last 2 months i've been researching and exploring George Orwell's fantastic book "Nineteen Eighty Four", now I know that there is a modpack and scenario of this book, but to be blunt (hopefully not insulting anyone) I found then to be boring and rushed, i've just started creating a scenario and i was wondering if anyone had anything that I could use, in particular I need units resembling a SS officer, can anyoe help me - all contributions would be amazing.

    If you have anything can you email at


  • #2
    How about these SS units from nemos collection? im surprised you havent seen any yey
    Attached Files
    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


    • #3
      I find that 1984 does not really lend itself to scenarios. First, you have to ask yourself the question: was there really any war with either Eurasia or EastAsia? Was the war real, or a propoganda tool? 1984 also suffers from the fact that is only made readable by the human interactions, a facet of the book lost in the game. The Resistance cannot even be used for the game, because the book leaves little doubt (At least, in my mind) that it was Government fabricated! Finally, 1984 does not really tell a story: it paints a static image. Static images are not very good for scenarios because they do not evolve or progress.
      I refute it thus!
      "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


      • #4
        Sounds like it could make an interesting scenario - maybe an RPG with triggers?


        • #5
          It would be hard to make a scenario about paranoia wouldn't it?


          • #6
            You could do an rpg-type scenario - but how would you win?
            I refute it thus!
            "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


            • #7
              I've thought about doing a scenario like this and have played one "1984" scenario that i've found on the net, which is somewhat decent.

              The 1984 scenario will be simply an all out war between four superpowers over a desolate globe.

              The scenario would have to have the following:
              Post-Apocalyptic Terrain - In 1984 the superpowers had been waging war against eachother for years, leaving the planet a scorched Earth.

              Four Civs - Since 1984 is very limited in nations, you'll have three superpowers and a group of rebels. The superpowers would be the Eurasians, Eastasians and Oceanians, while the rebels would be the Proletarians. The Proles could offset their power disadvantage by having advantageous units and being spread out across the world in strategic locations (such as islands like Madagascar and Australia).

              Super-Units of 1984 - The book was known for having some interesting war machines, such as the floating fortresses and such. These could make excellent units if the scenario author went into more depth and developed a few new ones.

              Manipulative Events - The government always interferred with the people, so you could simulate this by creating a large number of events which hinder gameplay in certain areas.

              Stuff like this would make a very good scenario, IMO.


              • #8
                Originally posted by WarVoid
                I've thought about doing a scenario like this and have played one "1984" scenario that i've found on the net, which is somewhat decent.

                The 1984 scenario will be simply an all out war between four superpowers over a desolate globe.

                The scenario would have to have the following:
                Post-Apocalyptic Terrain - In 1984 the superpowers had been waging war against eachother for years, leaving the planet a scorched Earth.
                Did they, or is it a government ploy?
                Four Civs - Since 1984 is very limited in nations, you'll have three superpowers and a group of rebels. The superpowers would be the Eurasians, Eastasians and Oceanians, while the rebels would be the Proletarians. The Proles could offset their power disadvantage by having advantageous units and being spread out across the world in strategic locations (such as islands like Madagascar and Australia).
                Problem is that the premise of 1984 is that Totalitarianism works completely in supressing revolt. The rebel that was in the book (forget his name) was a construct of the Government.
                I refute it thus!
                "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


                • #9
                  Emmanuel Goldstein was the rebel leaders name IIRC.

                  Although true that the rebels were government constructed, i'm sure that some sort of rebellion existed somewhere, just like Stanley Winston and the woman (forget her name) rebelled against the system.

                  For more playability and uniqueness, i'd say you could go slightly off-track of the book to make an interesting scenario.

                  Now stop discouraging the man and think of some more ideas.


                  • #10
                    The countries only fought over scertain stretches of land in Africa and Asia. They couldn't take over the homeland cos the people were already brainwashed...
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