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Are people giving up on Civ2 scenarios?

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  • Are people giving up on Civ2 scenarios?

    I'm just curious if other people are giving up on making Civ2 scenarios. I was sitting around in my room making a new Roman scenario, when I realized how pointless the whole thing was. Is anybody else laying low until October?
    John Brown did nothing wrong.

  • #2
    You might want to check out the Scenario League forum, it's much more active than here.
    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


    • #3
      ... or the Spanish Civ Site Forum.

      I think there will still be a good number of Civ2 scens made before & during Civ3 release. Also, if it's true that you can convert Civ2 scen into the Civ3 format then the whole thing ain't it that pointless


      • #4
        It isn't pointless for me. I like making scenarios and will probably keep making them even when Civ3 is released no matter how many people are interested.


        • #5
          Civ 2 scenarios

          Okay, I'm new here. Will the creative minds that have brought us Civ 2 scenarios be able to develop new ones for Civ 3? I'm wondering if the game itself will be conducive to that and, if so, as much as Civ 2 has been. Also, I should think that until most people get comfortable with Civ 3 and begin mastering it, scenarios for it will be a while in coming so good Civ 2 scenarios will still have a following.
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          • #6
            civcop, I hope so !

            The important thing is to have fun. If afterward people enjoy your creations that's a plus, but not the main point of creating a scenario.


            • #7
              I wouldn't say so..... Despite the fact that the completeness of my Civ2 scenario work remains a pair of maps, a not-so stable rules.txt and a handful of conversion graphics, many others have turned out first rate work this year, and they're worth playing and burying deep within the labyrnths of your hard drive (which reminds me, I need to sort out and download more scenarios this weekend)
              *grumbles about work*


              • #8
                Nope, I have just started on my first "large scale" project;
                Operation Infinite Justice. You might guess what it is about.

                Hopefully everyone isn't giving up, I mean it would
                be ashame if everyone one would just wait for Civ III.
                "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jay Bee
                  ... or the Spanish Civ Site Forum.

                  Also, if it's true that you can convert Civ2 scen into the Civ3 format then the whole thing ain't it that pointless
                  But how does the scenario look after the conversion?
                  Ugly? Doesn't work? All units disappeared?

                  Hopefully Firaxis has made those scenario tools with passion.
                  "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

