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Questions And Complaints

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  • Questions And Complaints

    1. Is there any secret to moving around the flag picture on a city so it's visible other than drawing the little blue and orange dots in different places?
    2. In my scenario, there's a perfectly good city that's a major objective. It's connected by road to three or four enemy cities that are only two squares away. Each of these cities has a number of attack units, and they're at war with the civ that owns the objective city. There are no defenders in the objective city. So, my question is, does anyone know why the AI <i>won't take the bloody city???</i>
    3. I am using obsolences to give each civ some distinct units. For example, if I want only Civ A to be only to make Unit A, then I give every other civiilization the "Not Civ A" tech, and make that the obsolesence advance for Unit A. The problem is, what can I do to prevent Civ A from getting Not Civ A if they have the Great Library? Anything?

    2. School is starting tomorrow, so I'm either going to have to finish about 24 hours of work in four hours or less, or wait until next summer or winter vacation at the very least. And I was so close!
    3. Does anyone have a scenario that's not about World War II? Or that isn't a secret project? Or that's actually finished?
    4. After all the trouble I went through to get RCW (thank you, Stefan) the stupid thing crashed my computer. And why is the icon for the synagogue a CROSS???!
    5. Did I mention that I'm REALLY MAD SUBWAR IS IN MGE?!!!

    PS: If you want to know what my scenario is about, here's a not so subtle hint:

    Edit: My AAAAARGH was too long.
    "Although I may disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to hear me tell you how wrong you are."

  • #2
    1. Not that I know of. It should give you full control of the flag postion. What's the issue?

    2. Try putting a weak defensive unit in the city. I think that for the 'at war' status to take effect there must be contact (negotiation) between the civs.

    3. That's a good one. I assume that the GL gives techs to the owning civ that 2 or more other civs have, even if they have no-no pre-reqs? You may have to go back to ToT!
    Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


    • #3
      Re: Questions And Complaints

      Originally posted by Giant_Squid
      3. I am using obsolences to give each civ some distinct units. For example, if I want only Civ A to be only to make Unit A, then I give every other civiilization the "Not Civ A" tech, and make that the obsolesence advance for Unit A. The problem is, what can I do to prevent Civ A from getting Not Civ A if they have the Great Library? Anything?
      First of all those obsolesence techs should have reqs of no/no, so that they won't be traded. The owner of the GL acquires techs only when after a tech is discovered and at least 1 other tribe knows it as well. What does this mean? When you build the GL, you don't automatically discover techs you don't know that two other tribes know. You have to wait for yet another tribe to discover it. If nobody can discover the obsolesence tech, and they won't if the reqs are no/no then the GL is not a problem.

      That is of course unless you are having this problem while setting up the scenario. In that case deconstruct the GL temporarily and put it up in the end.
      "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


      • #4
        Re: Questions And Complaints

        Originally posted by Giant_Squid
        3. Does anyone have a scenario that's not about World War II? Or that isn't a secret project? Or that's actually finished?

        Gotta second that


        • #5
          I am using obsolences to give each civ some distinct units. For example, if I want only Civ A to be only to make Unit A, then I give every other civiilization the "Not Civ A" tech, and make that the obsolesence advance for Unit A.

          If your units are not researched, you should use "Is Civ A" techs instead. The AI will consider the obsolete units when evaluating what is worth building and not build some of the units that it should.
          Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


          • #6
            Re: Questions And Complaints

            Originally posted by Giant_Squid
            3. Does anyone have a scenario that's not about World War II? Or that isn't a secret project? Or that's actually finished?
            Now to begin my shameless plug.


            I regently finished a Greek Colonization scenario. It is posted on the Apolyton Civ 2 databased. It is finished, but I am doing another version. I haven't had much input on it, though.

            I refute it thus!
            "Destiny! Destiny! No escaping that for me!"


            • #7
              New Scenario? Where!?

              Goingonit: the reason you haven't gotten any reponse on it is becasue no one looks in the database here. post it at civ fanatics and they'll make a headline of it, put it on the main screen. If you wanted people here to know about, start a thread for your scenario


              • #8
                3. Does anyone have a scenario that's not about World War II? Or that isn't a secret project? Or that's actually

                Well, I take from your email (you're welcome) that you know about my Alexander project. Further I have one in work I entitle "Fire and Roses" (Cool title, eh? ). What it will be about I am not 100%ly sure, I originally wanted it to be about the devlopements in Persia between the Arab conquests and the invasion of the Seljuks, but that appears to be very complex, so I might give it some more consideration. I finished the tech tree, city improvements, units and terrains already (no graphics however). I don't even have a finished map yet.
                Follow the masses!
                30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                • #9
                  you could try my homepage... American Civil War scenario, Lord of the Flies, etc. And some Unfinished scenarios... (I would finish them but FW keeps crashing )

                  oh well
                  -->Visit CGN!
                  -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                  • #10
                    Re: Questions And Complaints

                    Originally posted by Giant_Squid

                    I was going to try Angelo's MGE converter to turn it into an FW scenario...
                    Its fairly widely available on a number of sites.

                    [Edit: Actually its on Bebro's site under tools]


                    • #11

                      GS, have a look at my scenario 'Raging Dragon'. Its advailable from both Apolyton and Civfanatics (under the modern scenarios section)
                      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                      • #12
                        Re: Re: Questions And Complaints

                        Originally posted by ravagon

                        I was going to try Angelo's MGE converter to turn it into an FW scenario...
                        Its fairly widely available on a number of sites.

                        [Edit: Actually its on Bebro's site under tools]

                        Angelo's MGE converter does not work.


                        • #13
                          Re: Questions And Complaints

                          Originally posted by Giant_Squid
                          1. AARGH! BEBRO, WHY'D YOU HAVE TO MAKE SUBWAR IN MGE?!
                          If it bothers you so much, why don't you just buy a copy of MGE?

