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Scenario League's Sovereignity

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  • Scenario League's Sovereignity

    Scenario League (and by extension the Spanish CivII Site, Art of War, HAC, etc.) are not part of Apolyton. They are small sites that are hosted by a bigger site, Apolyton. We also share a bulletin board with the said site.

    Apolyton has a certain OT forum for "off-topic" discussion. Ignoring the highly intellectual quality of discussion there and overwhelming volume, I do not think that we should be required by the rules to keep the off-topic posts of Hosted Sites there. The Spanish CivII Site's forum is full of threads that are more Spanish than CivII. Ergo, the discussions we hold within our League are no more "off-topic" than the discussions we hold about Scenarios.

    To summarize, Scenario League's forum is not part of the same jurisdiction as the CivII Creation forum and the Off-Topic forum; therefore, we do not have a designated off-topic area and all reasonable off-topic threads such as those dealing communal birthday celebrations, political events, and non-scenario computer games belong in here if the target audience are the members of the Scenario League.
    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at

  • #2
    1) While the HS's, strictly speaking, are not part of Apolyton, they are living under its roof and therefore must follow its policies and practices. Under such roof, however, they are entitled to their own internal rules.

    2) The Spanish Civ2 Site and the Scenario League have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Ditto for their respective fora. Please don't make the mistake of comparing apples with oranges.

    3) In the end, it's all in the eye of the beholder.


    • #3
      It also depends on the moderator. The rules can go out the window or be changed if the moderator doesn't care. so what say you, o great WarVoid?


      • #4
        I vote that we keep this forum on-topic (more or less )

        There's a perfectally good off-topic forum already - why stuff around with this one?
        'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
        - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


        • #5
          what case said. even though warvoid could open things up some. it probably wouldn't be that great an idea


          • #6
            Oh my, I am truly shocked. I actually agree with St.Leo. Doesn't really matter though, the SLeague is all but dead now so changing hosts is not an option. :banned: I post rather sporadically these days, so other than my below the belt sarcasm (see Allard thread), I really don't care.
            Re-elect Bush!


            • #7
              It also depends on the moderator. The rules can go out the window or be changed if the moderator doesn't care. so what say you, o great WarVoid?

              Markos would probably make me a moderator if I begged enough. Of course, I don't really care enough to ask.

              There's a perfectally good off-topic forum already - why stuff around with this one?

              1. Because it's not perfectly good.
              2. The target audience is different.

              Oh my, I am truly shocked. I actually agree with St.Leo.

              Bah, our fights are long forgotten.

              Doesn't really matter though, the SLeague is all but dead now so changing hosts is not an option.

              The developer community is still there and we get some fresh blood from time to time.
              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


              • #8
                Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
                Doesn't really matter though, the SLeague is all but dead
                I'd disagree with that!
                While the SLeague itself is dead, and this message boad isn't the busiest place in the world, there are still quite a few people posting.
                Also, I'd imagine that if Civ3 has good scenario editing tools (as the developers claim it has), then this site will see a lot more action come november.
                'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                • #9
                  Why don't you all come to
                  We're alive and kicking
                  Sorry had to promote


                  • #10
                    Civ2 and the SL are alive and well, especially with the great scenarios that are still coming out.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SunTzu
                      Why don't you all come to
                      We're alive and kicking
                      Just to add to SunTzu's plug, civfanatics now has scenario reviews, just like those Sleague used to do

                      BTW, happy birthday H Tower!
                      'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
                      - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Case

                        I'd disagree with that!
                        While the SLeague itself is dead, and this message boad isn't the busiest place in the world, there are still quite a few people posting.
                        Also, I'd imagine that if Civ3 has good scenario editing tools (as the developers claim it has), then this site will see a lot more action come november.

                        The original idea behind this forum is also dead. As is now, this forum strongly overlaps with Civ2 Creation (this one wins however). Practically all the things being posted here would actually fit in the other forum. For those of us who have been here from the beginning, it's interesting to see how the directions changed. I guess the departure of the father founders (Blackclove & Cam) had much to do with this.


                        • #13
                          I do wonder what the future of this forum is. SLeague hasn't been updated for I think half a year now, and I don't really think it will have much public encouragement, especially because Civfanatics has recently launched it's own version. If we're lucky no-one will notice, but I don't know what will happen once Civ3 will be out.
                          The other question that interests me personally very much is wether there will still be Civ2 scenarios after Civ3 is out. Sure we'll have to wait till the game is really out and spend one or two weeks playing the game before it can actually be told. But I'm afraid we will not be offered the same experiences and possibilities as with Civ2. From what I've heard by now the game will be layed out to make scenario design easy. I don't know if I will have the same fun from that as with Civ2. I don't know how others will feel about it...
                          Follow the masses!
                          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                          • #14
                            Well, I'm basically with you on that one. I am not particularly motivated with Civ3 scenario design at this time.


                            • #15
                              Some thoughts...

                              Well, I believe what prompted this was Mark locking a thread here the other day, but I could be wrong.

                              What should this forum be? What it has always been, a place to discuss future and current scenario projects, show show previews of said games, post a bit of PBEM of scenarios, and to field questions on history and such.

                              As for that other stuff, birthdays ect, I think it really has no place here, this is a more technical forum.

                              Now for the next order of buisness, Civfanatic's Scenario review section.
                              As a courtisy, I have not promoted that here (I created it, and edit it under my Civfanatics name, Alcibiaties of Athenae, or simply, AoA) because i believed it bad form to promote another site on Mark's hosted sites. However, Mark's people (Snapcase, in this instance) seem to have to problem with telling people to come to poly, and posting links to it, in CFC's forums, so therefore I WILL talk about the review forum now.

                              Since the League site went out during the winter, there has been noplace to read reviews about scenarios, old and new, by the people who make them and play them, and this was a real strength of the league. I felt that this was a feature that could be recreated, after a fashion, at Civfanatics, and this has come to pass, the review section lives there, not as a hosted site, but as an integral part of Civfanatics, so it will live as long as the site does, and it IS the #2 civ site, and isn't leaving.

                              I'm dismayed by your comment Stefan, "If we're lucky no-one will notice", I hope your not referring to all our hard work and effort, that it should be dismissed out of hand. The people who work with me in the reviews may be known to some of you, and we are just as interested and passionate about Civ scenarios as anyone involved in the SL ever was.

                              To talk about those people, let me mention there names.
                              John Valdez, whom many of you know (and who has made an apperance here), has designed a number of scenarios, and continues to be extremly prolific in producing scenarios.
                              Kobayshi, who set the SL on it's ear with his two fantastic Star Trek scenarios, and since then has added 2 more scenarios, and who knows more about the game then most people you will meet.
                              WillenVanOrangie is probaly unkown to most of you, yet he has created a very fine Dutch mod-pack, and an excellent Voyager scenario, and has also playtested many scenarios.
                              Sun Tzu, whom you see in this very thread, has play-tested so many scenarios about WW II I have lost count, and can always be found when a new Nemo design is in the works.
                              As for myself, a number of the designers here know me well as a play-tester and commentator on scenarios, and have given me a credit in there work, but I'll let them fill those in, not myself.

                              What all this means is, simply, don't sell us short because we are not under Apolyton's banner, not a sister site.
                              We are not in compition with Poly (we would lose that), but we are a site in our own right, and I wish some of you would give our scenario section and our review area a chance, as it will be worth your while.

                              You can find it easy, just follow the Civfanatics link in my signature, it leads to Civfanatic's homepage, and the review section and scenario forum can be easily found from there.

                              Thanks for your time.
                              I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                              i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG

