Hi everyone. I'm making a scenario that takes place on the world map and that begins January 1, 1492. I'm having trouble with deciding what civilizations to have and how to represent the other nations outside of Europe.
Playable civilizations right now are England, France, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Russia, and Austria.
Originally I was going to have barbarian cities for China, Japan, Persia, Kazan, etc., etc., etc. Those would have been the places that you could conquer without penalty, and there are obviously more nations than the 7 playable ones I have now. I then thought that China and Japan shouldn't be lifeless barbarian cities because then you could conquer them and nothing would happen.
So right now I have a few choices. I can do what I planned before, except make it so that if you conquer a city that you're not meant to conquer (I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say here
), that a penalty happens through events. So if France conquers Beijing, they loose like 300 gold or something and a valuable trading partner. I don't know. My other choice would be to turn Austria into all nations called the "Neutral" civ but then say if you wanted to conquer Austria, you'd have to be at war with all of China and Japan too. So as you can see, I need some help. 
Barbarians are also natives, just so you know. The penality idea might work, but I'm not sure... I'm new at this. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.
Playable civilizations right now are England, France, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Russia, and Austria.
Originally I was going to have barbarian cities for China, Japan, Persia, Kazan, etc., etc., etc. Those would have been the places that you could conquer without penalty, and there are obviously more nations than the 7 playable ones I have now. I then thought that China and Japan shouldn't be lifeless barbarian cities because then you could conquer them and nothing would happen.
So right now I have a few choices. I can do what I planned before, except make it so that if you conquer a city that you're not meant to conquer (I hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say here

Barbarians are also natives, just so you know. The penality idea might work, but I'm not sure... I'm new at this. Any ideas or help would be appreciated.