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Jesus Munoz's CivII Cities Compilation

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  • Jesus Munoz's CivII Cities Compilation

    Whoever designed the palette in CivII gifs really screwed up. The cities.gif palette is impossible to work with and Paintshop Pro insists on using the first 0,255,255 teal rather than the appropriate last one in the units.gif palette.
    Attached Files
    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at

  • #2
    St Leo,

    Hold down the Alt key and type 164 with the numerical pad on the right hand side


    • #3
      A brilliant work, St. Leo!

      Something that I might as well add to my site (oh, how long since the last update? )...
      "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
      - Spiro T. Agnew


      • #4
        snifff, snifffff I am blessed a collection of my graphics, finally somebody has been pacience

        only one thing: the indian huts aren´t mine , I don´t remember from where I take them.


        • #5

          Is that you Jésus Munoz? (sorry if I mispelled your name )
          Those are great cities you've made. And I've played some of your scenarios with those cities, such as the Holy Roman Empire one, and it was great!
          Re-elect Bush!


          • #6
            Re: kindal?

            The one about HRE isn´t the best (I believe) but I think it is really funny, I think that is probably one of my favourites.

            I have made other city style (like Nemos ones) for my new scenario about Spanish Armada, could be that in some days (or weeks) I will add a preview in Spanish forum.

