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Important Question: Please Read

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  • Important Question: Please Read

    Hello, this is regarding the Civ2 scenario editor.

    Is there any way to change the owner of a city, without destroying it and building an identicle one?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Yes there is. Remove all the defenders in the city, use the cheat menu to set the civ who owns the city and the civ you want to own the city at war, then set the human player to the civ you want to own the city, create a unit next to the city and then capture it.
    After you do this remember to check the city's improvements and replace anything which gets destroyed

    However, destroying and rebuilding the city is probably easier. Place the cursor on the city, and hit < Shift >+< d > to quickly destroy the city, then create a settler and rebuild the city in the same place.
    'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
    - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


    • #3
      Thanks Case. Is there any way to "Copy" the city, so that is easier to replace after the original is destroyed? You know, besides writing all the improvements down on a piece of paper .


      • #4
        double post


        • #5
          Or, use a diplomat or spy to: Subvert city (Goldx2, no incident).The city is captured intact. Then using cheat mode, replace the cash.
          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


          • #6
            wow, good idea techumseh.

            (Goldx2, no incident) - What does this mean? Question: How do I prevent/Erase internation incidents?


            • #7
              Okay, I figured out what the (Goldx2, no incident) means, there is an option to pay twice as much gold and not have an incident. But I couldn't pick it with every civ, only some. I wonder why?

              Well thanks for the help guys, I am doing prep work for a scenario I am planning for Civ3.

              Update: *Timeline knocks head with fists* errr i probably didn't have enough money ........duuuhhhhh

              what is my mind comming to?


              • #8
                Hey, I have another question (this one may be a little harder).

                How do I change a civ's color?

                I know it probably has something to to do with the colors in the "Icon.gif", right?

                Everytime I try to edit this file that game crashes when I load up.

                Any suggestions?


                • #9
                  Subvert city appears only when you have enough in your treasury to pay twice the cost of bribing that particular city. The cost can vary, depending on what size it is, its' improvements and even what techs the owning civ has. But unless the owning civ is a democracy, you should be able to subvert every city if you have enough money.

                  Colours are set in the Cities file, not the Icon file. There are little stripes right above the flags which control the civs' colours. Better have a read of Leon Marricks' Advanced Scenario Design paper or visit the tips section of Scenario League for the specifics.
                  Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                  • #10
                    damn, wrong thread

                    never mind


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Timeline
                      Is there any way to "Copy" the city, so that is easier to replace after the original is destroyed? You know, besides writing all the improvements down on a piece of paper .
                      if you hit ctl+shift+c you can copy all the improvements from another city that still exists. if your making a bunch of cities have the same improvements this might be the way to go.


                      • #12
                        Thanks techumseh and H Tower!

                        I will have a read of that paper!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by techumseh
                          Subvert city appears only when you have enough in your treasury to pay twice the cost of bribing that particular city. The cost can vary, depending on what size it is, its' improvements and even what techs the owning civ has. But unless the owning civ is a democracy, you should be able to subvert every city if you have enough money.
                          You must also be at peace with the civ you are trying to subvert. Once you are at war, you can only incite revolts. Subverting will also cause cease-fire agreements to expire. *Very* handy if you are a Democracy.
                          Libraries are state sanctioned, so they're technically engaged in privateering. - Felch
                          I thought we're trying to have a serious discussion? It says serious in the thread title!- Al. B. Sure


                          • #14
                            One very useful tool is also Gothmog's "Civcity", with which you can simply change the city's owners, founders, improvements and trade routes with a mouse click. Particularily helpful when you want to work on Barbarian cities. This tool can save a lot of time.
                            Follow the masses!
                            30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

