Originally posted by MagyarCrusader
Thats ok Bebro, I was considering the creation a scenario of the Hungarian migration/invasion of the 800s but abandoned the idea do the the amount of work ...
Prom, do you got any good modeling websites where I can order WW2 metal minatures from? Preferably in the US.
Thats ok Bebro, I was considering the creation a scenario of the Hungarian migration/invasion of the 800s but abandoned the idea do the the amount of work ...
Prom, do you got any good modeling websites where I can order WW2 metal minatures from? Preferably in the US.
b) on Aitna links homepage i posted, there are several canadian and american "aficionados" of this genre... try to look at them ( unfortunetely, a lot of american miniatures are not available here in Europe due to delivery difficulties...

a) Wait for my Gok blue scen, then... nomadic cavalries a go-go... take a look at this Alanic cavalryman ( i have to put him on the horse...
