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What happened to all the scenarios?

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  • What happened to all the scenarios?

    Are people still making new scenarios? There hasn't been anything over at the Scenario League in almost 3 months, and I haven't seen any thing else lately.


  • #2
    Hey, tmarcl, surely are people still making scenarios.
    But most scn people are now more active in the ScenarioLeague forum here, perhaps you try it out. The Sleague page itself is not often updated now, due to some technical trouble, but the webmaster has promised updates when these problem are gone...


    • #3
      there´s been a lot of good scn released in the last three months, click in the link to the webpage of Bebro and download Imperium Romanorum

      just an example of what you´ve been missing
      Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
      Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shaka Naldur
        there´s been a lot of good scn released in the last three months, click in the link to the webpage of Bebro and download Imperium Romanorum

        just an example of what you´ve been missing
        I had that one. When I had to reinstall Win98, I deleted it, and when I went to the SL site, the link was dead. What's Bebro's webpage?



        • #5
          clic on "Civ2000" at the end of Bebro's post


          • #6
            Where are the scenarios?....

            Well there ahve been a lot made recently and they can be found at The European Civilization II Web Site
            Features lots of great scenarios and a few made/edited by myself-but Tom (the site maintainer) has given the credit to my dad Khacthik Panos-it sohuld say Masis Panos.
            Try out the Age of Alexius scenario, I'd be glad for your opinions on its working and also the Age of Heraklius and Age of Justinian scenarios.
            The Age of Arturius has no events atthe moment due to the lack of historical records to create them.
            NowI am going to get working on the redesigning of The Age of Constantine...
            With 5 new scenarios to be made after that.


            • #7
              Re: Where are the scenarios?....

              Originally posted by Masis
              Try out the Age of Alexius scenario, I'd be glad for your opinions on its working and also the
              Masis, I just downloaded Age of Alexius. Please spell check your stuff before uploading it-I just spent 5 minutes doing it myself. I realize some of the words were European spellings (which I recognized), but a few were typos (ie, gaurd instead of guard). Also, there were a couple of simple grammatical errors. There is supposed to be a space after a comma, and two spaces after a period.



              • #8
                Originally posted by BeBro
                The Sleague page itself is not often updated now, due to some technical trouble, but the webmaster has promised updates when these problem are gone...
                I can only apologise again and restate how frustrating this has been.


                • #9
                  Re: Re: Where are the scenarios?....

                  Originally posted by tmarcl

                  Masis, I just downloaded Age of Alexius. Please spell check your stuff before uploading it-I just spent 5 minutes doing it myself. I realize some of the words were European spellings (which I recognized), but a few were typos (ie, gaurd instead of guard). Also, there were a couple of simple grammatical errors. There is supposed to be a space after a comma, and two spaces after a period.

                  Had a feeling something was still needed, besides more sounds, in this new scenario!


                  • #10
                    Re: Re: Re: Where are the scenarios?....

                    Originally posted by Masis

                    Had a feeling something was still needed, besides more sounds, in this new scenario!
                    Not a problem. I've played some of it so far, and I'd have to say that the defensive units seem to be too weak-I've conquered all of Turkey using the same units that I've started with. Also, there is one city (I forget the tribe-Armenians, I think?) where there is only one unit-Charlemagne. The unit can be destroyed, but then another pops up. You might want to include an explanation for why in the documentation.

                    I did like the idea of starting the Franks with no cities, since they are an invasionary force.



                    • #11
                      Kyokujitsu for Test of Time, which I'm working on, has taken me 20 months thus far and promises to take the rest of the summer to finish.

                      My God has it been 20 months?


                      • #12
                        I made a Thirty Years' War Scenario a while back, and I am going to do a clean up job on it, and re-release it.

                        Yeah, I think I will, I go and do that right now.
                        Ming blows, I'll change this when I have some time on my hands.


                        RIP Bradley James Nowell


                        • #13
                          Re: Re: Re: Re: Where are the scenarios?....

                          Originally posted by tmarcl

                          Not a problem. I've played some of it so far, and I'd have to say that the defensive units seem to be too weak-I've conquered all of Turkey using the same units that I've started with. Also, there is one city (I forget the tribe-Armenians, I think?) where there is only one unit-Charlemagne. The unit can be destroyed, but then another pops up. You might want to include an explanation for why in the documentation.

                          I did like the idea of starting the Franks with no cities, since they are an invasionary force.

                          Yes, that is a temptation-to conquer land in Anatolia (Turkey) before actually getting to Syria. The name of the Armenian king is Constantine, but the unit is just called 'Armenian King' and the reason why they are replaced is that I did not want these civs to be destroyed in the scenario, but to keep them in play so that the player focuses on getting to and conquering the Syrian-Palestine coast.
                          But that was version 2, now there is version 2.1 which I will send to the European Civilization II site, Spanish Civilization II site and the Arabic Civilization II site.

