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New Sci-Fi Scenario

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  • New Sci-Fi Scenario

    I've been working on this scenario for a long time now and expect to release it soon. The only part holding me back is some events I want to add and the storyline which I want to adjust a tad.

    It's called Air War 3000 and is set (duh) in the year 3000 A.D.. Earth has been ravaged by war and pollution and the heavy chemicals have settled in the lower atmosphere. Attempting to escape this the world's airforces construct massive flying cities set in the clean upper-atmosphere. Something goes awry and the unified flying civilization splinters and a war begins. The only "land" left on Earth is the high mountaintops which peak above the clouds, everything below this point is toxic wastelands filled with mutants.

    This is just a brief outline of the story and the one i've been writing will be much longer. Here's a screenshot in which I (for the first time!) have actually done some of my own work. Check out the flying cities.

  • #2
    Where can i get this scenario from?

    Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

    "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


    • #3
      Looking very interesting! But what are the tanks doing there above the clouds?

      Mathias' Civ II Page
      The Lost Geologist Blog


      • #4
        Grothgar - The scenario isn't complete yet. I'll be releasing it in about a week or less though.

        Hendrik - Thanks! The tanks aren't on the clouds, actually they're on the mountaintops. Land units are there for the mountaintops and then I have air (sea and air) units which are designed for use in the sky.

        To my surprise, the AI in this scenario works very well and expands consistently across the sky (ocean).

        Oh, and even though a lot of the terrain looks like it's a ToT scenario, it's not. I converted a lot of stuff from ToT to use in AW3K plus drew some of my own.
        [This message has been edited by WarVoid (edited May 19, 2001).]


        • #5
          So you are using only the mountain, hill and forest terrain types or also the others?

          Mathias' Civ II Page

          The Lost Geologist Blog


          • #6
            There are only two base terrains (sky not included) mountain and hills. Mountains represent the highest and most forbiding peaks of the world's mountain ranges that poke up through the clouds. Hills represent the somewhat lower, more level and fertile mountains that can be farmed. The forest's you see on the mountains there aren't really forests, they're irrigation, aptly called orchards.

            Irrigation looked weird on the mountains so I needed something that would look good and be simple for post-apocalyptic survivors to handle - thus the planting of fruit trees. On an enviromental note, they're figured into the storyline since they provide oxygen for the survivors.


            • #7
              So why not use the forest slots to use as a sort of plateau or highland?
              Wouldn't it make the game more interesting, or perhaps you could introduce sky-transformers who raise the grounds for artificial land...

              Mathias' Civ II Page
              The Lost Geologist Blog


              • #8
                Well that isnt fair! tempting me with this great scenario and then telling me it isnt out for a WEEK! god man! Anyway just make sure you give the site where we can find it otherwise death for you lol

                I am the LORD OF STRONDAR
                Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                • #9
                  This is what I'm talking about with expressing the creative side.

                  Looks fantastic, WarVoid.

                  [This message has been edited by PolarisGL (edited May 20, 2001).]
                  Please Visit:

                  And contribute if you can!


                  • #10
                    By just looking at that screenshot I can tell that:
                    I want this scenario!
                    No Fighting here, this is the war room!


                    • #11

                      This concept is totally cool! Simple but elegant and novel. If it works out, Air3000 should belong in the breakthrough thread.

                      This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog

