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Age of Alexius-Playtest Version

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  • Age of Alexius-Playtest Version

    The Age Of Alexius (First Crusade) scenario is now available at <a href=""> Das Civilization Universum </A> and at <a href=""> The European Civilization II Site </A>.

    The Age of Alexius I Comnenus, the Emperor who tried to remedy the disater of the battle of Manzikert in 1071 by inviting Frankish soldiers to fight the Seljuks Turkmen.

    Personally, I found that even on Akritas (Chieftain) level, it was tricky, but once I had crossed the troops through Anatolia avading the Seljuk horse-archers (lost 17 stack contingent in first playtest!), around Cilicia and down the Levantine coast (with a side branch taking Edessa) it was worth all that tension...

    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Masis (edited April 14, 2001).]</font>

  • #2

    read the manual about how to debug the events, I tried to do it myself but I wasn´t able
    it is something about putting @DEBUG inmediately after @BEGINEVENTS

    I love the idea of starting without cities
    I hate the road 2 movement

    I´ll wait to play until the events problem is solved because in the first turns the byzantines cancel the alliance with all its respectives porblems
    Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
    Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


    • #3
      Masis, I think that I owe you an apology.

      A few weeks ago, when I first looked at some of your scenarios, the flock that appeared in the European Civilization Site, I wasn't too impressed. I thought them somewhat rudimentary and simplistic.

      First impressions are sometimes wrong. I looked again at several of your scenarios, and they look good; my compliments. I have copies of your Constantine, Justinian, and Collapse scenarios. May I offer some suggestions toward making them even better? If you're interested, let me know.

      Lost in America.
      "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
      "or a very good liar." --Stefu
      "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


      • #5
        There are half-a-dozen of Masis' scenarios on the European Civilization II Site.

        Lost in America.
        "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
        "or a very good liar." --Stefu
        "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


        • #6
          I'm Here!

          Sorry, its bad for the author to vanish-was playing John Elis's Hellas scenario which got me interested in looking into other ancient Greek Civ II scenarios on the net, generally they seem to mimick each other which is understandable, where else can an ancient Greek scenario be based except Greece?

          The scenarios I have made/modifed that are available lack new graphics and events.
          The Labyrinth of events is something I still have to crack into, but as for the new graphics, thats done.

          My 60 day trail of Paint Shop Pro expired a few days ago, I might download it again to continue making more graphics.

          Got some feedback from John Elis, yes the Paved Roads in the Age of Alexius scenario make it easy for the Franks to rampage through Anatolia, yet at the higher levels they will need as much help as they can get if they are to reach even Antioch by 1098 AD, avioding the ferocity of the Seljuk horse archers.

          Still needs better units definition (values) and info on the wonders and city improvements.

          Getting a good plan of events will improve this scenario tremendously...

          My ideas so far---

          1) Romans (Byz.) Bribe the city of Nikea, which sours relations between Franks and Romans, as the Franks want to create their own states in the east.
          2) Battle of Doryleum, Seljuk units gather to fight of the Franks.
          3) Reports of Canabalism by the Franks on the dead bodies of Muslim soldiers reach the ears of Islamic realms, causing them to give more respect (improved attitude) to the Franks.

          Shaka, I have no real grasp on the workings of the Events system, having only recently jumped from using only Civ II original to the wonderful Fantastic Worlds add-on. The events I tried to make, were merely following the structure Jay Bee used in his excellent Visigoths scenario...obviously he knew what to do-unlike me!

          Certainly Exile, Help is greatly appreciated, I do not want this scenario to be a 'Masis' scenario but a scenario made by Civers to demonstrate these specific events in history...

          Come One, Come All and Join In!

          [This message has been edited by Masis (edited April 28, 2001).]


          • #7
            I'm apparently going to be pretty busy for the next couple of days or so, but contact me during the coming week, and I'll be glad to share some of the ideas I had for sprucing up your graphics.

            Lost in America.
            "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
            "or a very good liar." --Stefu
            "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


            • #8
              Thanks Exile, If you like, I can e-mail the proto-type Age of Alexius to you for evaluation...the other scenarios have also been given a 'spruce-up' in the Graphic area, but they need a second (and a third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh...) opinion.



              • #10
                Certainly Shaka, everyone is welcome to contribute!
                The Events (If I can really call them that) are to be trashed, first I think a plan of events of both historical and game-wise should be made before creating events.

                The Tech tree aslo needs planning out.

                Is it possible-when pollution reaches its maximum level, a Plague event happens-Plague unit swoops down on cities?



                • #11

                  Is it possible-when pollution reaches its maximum level, a Plague event happens-Plague unit swoops down on cities?

                  ask Henrik about that
                  he has some of that stuff in his new scenario
                  Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
                  Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


                  • #12
                    Wonder what Stefan Hartel will make of the Scenario?
                    It is only a proto-type still and in need of events, but Stefan sent sample events, I will include them.
                    Thanks Exile for the positive comments on the graphics, yes use them by all means.
                    Did Mathias Koster get me e-mail with the gif updates and info for his amazing Death and Resurection of an Empire?



                    • #13
                      Yes, I got your email. Great work! I'm sorry I haven't replied earlier but I am very busy right now with exam preparations and real life.

                      Mathias' Civ II Page
                      The Lost Geologist Blog


                      • #14
                        Glad your there!
                        Good luck with the exams!
                        One factor I have found when playing the Franks is that once youv'e conquered the Levant, there is not much of a challenge to face after that-the Seljuks of Hamadan rarely manage to muster a force that can eject you from the region, with my Sapper units I simply bribed the cities of Ascalon and Aqaba, but then I was testing it out at Akritas (Chieftain) level...
                        Must create a Knights Templer unit.



                        • #15
                          Age of Alexius version1 can now be downloaded from The European Civilisation II site I expect to release at least 2 more versions forthwith! Not to mention the other updated scenarios...


