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  • The Germans get caught up trying to breach the southern defenses of the city...
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    • The fighting is fierce as the Germans try to make their last push on the factories in the north...
      Attached Files


      • Snipers with their prey in the industrial section of the city...
        Attached Files


        • and finally...

          The ill-equipped Axis' allies are caught off guard by 'Operation Uranus'...
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          • *drools uncontrollably*

            As for special units, I think that it would depend on how many free slots you have. You might be able to have a different unit for roughly each division in Sixth Army, concentrating on the more noteworthy and more battle-hardened divisions.

            Aside from snipers, you might consider adding a number of Soviet leaders. Chuikov and Krushchev come to mind. If the are both lost, then the Russians would have morale problems or something. Paulus and Hoth might also merit their own units.

            As an idea, once the city is encircled, the Luftwaffe would have to resupply it by air. You might be able to represent this like Nemo forces unit resupply in Second Front. Until the city is encircled, the units would be trucks that had to be rolled in from the south and west. When the city is encircled, another set of files can be loaded (by event order), and the city were the resupply convoys were created will be surrounded by water, suitably disguised. As a result, all of the convoy must be airlifted in (going to need to block off multiple cities in the corner for that). The airlifts will be vulnerable to Soviet aircraft and perhaps aircraft units from some sort of "weather" civilization that is allied to the Russians (ie: an aircraft called extreme cold... "Extreme cold has resulted in the downing of one of Reichsmarshall Goering's promised resupply flights."

            Also, I really like Darth's suggestion about nuclear weapons as artillery. It would be rather complicated though, particularly in getting rid of global warming. (BTW, does anyone know how to get rid of global warming from stuff like that?)

            You could also give every Russian city a nuclear power plant (with the Russians given the technology to build them for a total price of like ten shields) and give the Russians the fusion power technology (suitably renamed) so that they won't have meltdowns. When the Germans (lacking fusion power) capture the city, they will inevitably capture some of the nuclear power plants (renamed to something like "Russian Infiltration). As long as factories cannot be built, there will be no production bonus from the nuclear power plant. When the plants have meltdowns, a text would appear "Herr General, Russian infiltrators have decimated our forces near X location."


            • My god that's a lot of freakin units!!!

              It does look original though. Can't wait to play it.
              "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." -- General George S. Patton
              "Guinness sucks!" -- Me


              • great ideas!

                *drools uncontrollably*

                As for special units, I think that it would depend on how many free slots you have. You might be able to have a different unit for roughly each division in Sixth Army, concentrating on the more noteworthy and more battle-hardened divisions.
                As for now, the repeatitive Wermarch graphics are representing different units and their respective weapons...: Landser Kar'98 and Landser Mp-40 etc... If they have a helmet on or are crouching, you can assume they are better on defense. If a guy has a machinepistol you can assume he is better than a guy with a bolt action rifle on offense.

                Aside from snipers, you might consider adding a number of Soviet leaders. Paulus and Hoth might also merit their own units.
                Yes, Chuikov is present as are both Paulus and Hoth...though some have special purposes and are not for play.

                As an idea, once the city is encircled, the Luftwaffe would have to resupply it by air. You might be able to represent this like Nemo forces unit resupply in Second Front. Until the city is encircled, the units would be trucks that had to be rolled in from the south and west. When the city is encircled, another set of files can be loaded (by event order), and the city were the resupply convoys were created will be surrounded by water, suitably disguised. As a result, all of the convoy must be airlifted in (going to need to block off multiple cities in the corner for that). The airlifts will be vulnerable to Soviet aircraft and perhaps aircraft units from some sort of "weather" civilization that is allied to the Russians (ie: an aircraft called extreme cold... "Extreme cold has resulted in the downing of one of Reichsmarshall Goering's promised resupply flights."
                Geez ScottF! Have you been peaking!!!!

                Also, I really like Darth's suggestion about nuclear weapons as artillery. It would be rather complicated though, particularly in getting rid of global warming. (BTW, does anyone know how to get rid of global warming from stuff like that?)

                You could also give every Russian city a nuclear power plant (with the Russians given the technology to build them for a total price of like ten shields) and give the Russians the fusion power technology (suitably renamed) so that they won't have meltdowns. When the Germans (lacking fusion power) capture the city, they will inevitably capture some of the nuclear power plants (renamed to something like "Russian Infiltration). As long as factories cannot be built, there will be no production bonus from the nuclear power plant. When the plants have meltdowns, a text would appear "Herr General, Russian infiltrators have decimated our forces near X location."
                Now this idea is excellent, but I don't know. It sounds chaotic. I have manually placed some rubble about the city and I think a few changeterrain commands might be just as sucessful here.



                • Klesh,

                  Cool game! Love the graphics, but not overly happy with the roads. I won't complain too much, lest you ask me to make new ones! Anyway, they look too, something. Did they actually paint thier roads? What would the conditions be? Could they come up to the buildings a bit more? Its not a biggy, but if you have the time, might want to go over that.

                  Oh, I still don't know if I'll get that hill done. I'll try working on it tonight. Consult with you later.

                  Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                  -The Artist Within-


                  • roads and highways etc...

                    Yes, I'll agree JMarks that the highway/paved road graphic isn't the best. It is too boxy for me. But it was all I could find on the 'net... It is from WarVoid's NECW scenario. I wish they were more round, and were indeed closer to the buildings...but hey...I can't get everything right? I dunno, its not something that will hold the scen back. I may remove the lines though...that sounds like a good idea. There is also a dirt road that is just the regular CivII road.

                    Yeah man, I'll keep a look out for your communications...



                    • Hey Klesh how about these road graphics?
                      Attached Files
                      Maps, Maps, MORE MAPS!!!!

                      "You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs but it's amazing how many eggs you can break without making a decent omelette"


                      • I dunno...

                        Here is a side by side comparison of those 2 road sets...
                        The one currently in use is on the top. The new one looks thinner, and therefore may be even farther from the cities. I think I may try to make the corners more round on whichever version i use. Removal of the lines is nice too. See what you think:

                        Attached Files


                        • Ok, here is my attempt at 'the Hill'. Feel free to change what you like.

                          Attached Files
                          Visit My Crappy Site!!!!
                          -The Artist Within-


                          • Why don't you replace hills or mountains with roads, so that the roads cannot be pillaged or destroyed by soldiers?


                            • Booyah!!!

                              JMarks.... I haven't loaded that in yet, but man...That looks excellent!!! You even got the little barbed wire and bunker etc!
                              Honestly, that is exactly what I envisioned when I thought of the graphic. Thank you so very very much!



                              • Originally posted by Scott F
                                Why don't you replace hills or mountains with roads, so that the roads cannot be pillaged or destroyed by soldiers?
                                Actually I used those slots for the barbed wire terrain, and the other for all kinds of different buildings units... the terrain is very complex.

                                The roads are good because the soviets actually make their own effort to hinder your advancement, they don't need to be forced to do so through events. I kinda like it.


