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Fixing up the League's site.

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  • Fixing up the League's site.

    Updates to the Scenario League's site have been relatively minor in the last few months.

    Much of this has stemmed from 'personal obstacles' confronting the three editors' involvement with Civ2 - Dr. Blackclove's moved house, changed jobs, possibly got married, etc., while William too has changed jobs... and his computer 'got fried'. My own career is undergoing a degree of turbulence too, and I've recently struck a technical glitch that won't let me run Civ2 (although I've got ToT OK) .

    All that aside, there is still apparent interest in the League. Every week I seem to get e-mails from people wanting to join.

    One big difficulty for me has been getting reviews that have been submitted up onto the site. William has informed me that there are some which he has been unable to process. This delay, I suspect, has led to waning involvement of the community.

    The point...
    If you have done a Scenario League review that's not been posted, please send it through to me at where I will try to get it up quickly. I can't open the files, so if you could also post a full screenshot of the scenario as a 'gif' file, I can use that to add some graphics.

    One future addition, WarVoid has noted; <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
    </font>I'm also working on a new streamlined version of the review form which will hopefully make it a LOT easier for people to review scenarios.
    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>... so I look forward to posting that when it's done.

    As always, there are plenty of scenarios up for review - so please feel free to 'pass judgment'.

  • #2

    I think I might want to do a review some day.....if I can find the right scenario. BTW, is Blackclove coming back? I never got to really know him, I just had a small email coversation...
    *grumbles about work*


    • #3
      Quick news update...

      William's just e-mailed me to inform me that he will send the reviews he has on hand through to 'yours truly'.


      I'm largely unaware where Blackclove's at with Civ2, having had practically no contact with him in recent months.

      Please feel free to take another look at the scenarios for review - I suspect a few are well worth exploring.


      • #4
        There were several Civ2 players that were going to do a review of Second Front... Did you ever get those?


        • #5
          Captain Nemo,

          Not me personally. I'm waiting for William to mail through what he has. The only one I can confirm is a review on Roman Riots... because I wrote it! I'd be delighted to hear what others have to say about Second Front, but sheesh - the readme was a bit light on - less than 3,000 words!


          • #6
            I hope somebody wrote a review for one of my reviews.
            I'm still playing a lot of the scenarios up there in hope I can deliver one or two reviews in a while.

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            -George W. Bush

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            Follow the masses!
            30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


            • #7
              What about a sticky thread that reminds the people to submit reviews?



              • #8
                Have you tried reinstalling WinG?

                St. Leo
                Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                • #9

                  Originally posted by St Leo on 12-08-2000 05:50 PM
                  Have you tried reinstalling WinG?

                  Yes - sadly without success. I see the file in C:/Windows/System but when loading Civ2 it (a.) claims it can't find it, and (b.) load error #2. Unfortunately I have no idea how to fix it, principally because I have terribly limited computer skills... anyone?

                  More news though... William's sent through reviews for The Great Game (reviewed by Adrian Bates) and Star Trek Wormholes (reviewed by John Valdez). I hope to process these in about two or three days time. If anyone can point me to a screenshot of these scenarios, it would be appreciated. If you choose to e-mail me (a) gif file(s) screenshot(s), please advise that you have done so in this thread so I don't end up with more than I need!


                  • #10
                    I'm still working on that revised review form, so don't fear, I am still here!

                    As for your Civ2, try uninstalling Civ2 entirely and then reinstalling it.

                    To make sure you don't lose all you existing scenarios (which you will if you don't do this step) rename the MPC directory to something else like "oldciv2" and just let it sit there.

                    Then install Civ2 again. Let the CD install WinG over again and everything should work. If you get a load error i'd suggest defragmenting your HD as that should be done on a regular basis anyhow.

                    The Arabic CivII Site

                    "Why are Muslims better than Jews you ask? Haven't you people ever heard of harems?"



                    • #11
                      Warvoid: I for one am very interested in seeing your new review form. One of the main reasons I've never written an official review is because it required a LOT of writing, and the standards seemed a bit arbitrary. If you'd like some help, send me what you've got and we can discuss it. Or better yet, post it here on the forum so everyone can put their two cents in.

                      Cam: In conjunction with a form which streamlines and simplifies the review process, how about encouraging everyone to post them here in the forum? Most people now announce their scenarios with a new thread, so why not post the "official" reviews in the thread as well? Ultimately we would want them all posted on the sleeg web site, but this way they first appear in the appropriate thread thereby facilitating discussion and hopefully causing other people to add their own reviews.
                      To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                      From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                      • #12

                        Thanks for the advice - one small hitch, I can't find my original Civ2 CD-ROM. Err, forgot to mention that! I'll keep wading through boxes in my office!


                        Thanks for the suggestion. I think at this stage it's just been a breakdown in the system, which I'm trying to patch up as best I can, and we should be on-track within a couple of days. Nonetheless, if other people think that this is the way to go - by all means 'sing out'.


                        Two more scenarios up for review, as the first part of this week's update.


                        • #13
                          ... and three reviews posted. Thanks to John Valdez and Adrian Bates for their contributions.

                          Please advise if you believe you've sent something to the League that remains unanswered as I *hope* that we're now up to date.


                          • #14
                            Draft change in policy....?

                            I've found that the Scenario League is quickly becoming the repository and promoter of scenarios from
                            many people who have had no involvement in the League in terms of providing reviews, offering design
                            tips, or any meaningful participation in the League's forum.

                            We've found ourselves in the position where we have about three times as many in the 'To be reviewed'
                            than reviews themselves. Furthermore, the reviews we are receiving are often not even on this list (which is
                            fine, but worth noting nonetheless).

                            'Would it fly' with the community if the rules were changed so that if you want the League to include a
                            person's scenario in the 'To be reviewed' section, that they must make some prior contribution such as reviewing some other scenario first?

                            Views appreciated!


                            • #15
                              Rick Westera's "Rome 280 BC: Conquest of the Classical World" is missing the actual scenario file. Everything else seems to be there except the actual game.
                              Civfan (Warriorsoflight)

