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The Struggle For Europe Homepage

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  • The Struggle For Europe Homepage

    Check it out:

    <a href="">TSFE homepage</a>.

    I wrote the story of my recent game as Spanish also there:

    <a href="">Spain WW2 story</a>.

  • #2
    Yo Marko, I get an error. "Website not responding"

    [This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited April 08, 2001).]


    • #3
      I seem to get it fine, FMK. Maybe it something to do with your setup?

      All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
      I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
      i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


      • #4
        Now I also have problems, but earlier this day I had visited it without trouble

        Civ2000 hosted by CivII Universum


        • #5
          It must be up all the time.

          But the server situates in Estonia. Maybe it causes sometimes problems with connection?

          [This message has been edited by Marko (edited April 09, 2001).]


          • #7

            Some people have had troubles with Europe.bat program.

            I made new version of Europe.bat what works better. You can got it from the homepage:


            • #8
              Marko Please Help
              I have downloaded the patch
              and ur new europe.bat file
              but when i run the europe.bat i cannot select from the menus
              it just scans down and picks for me and creates the files and stops
              it looks like it defaults as axis
              does anyone have any ideas how i can fix this?


              • #9
                The problem I had with the old Europe.bat was that it wouldn't let me pick easy mode after like 1944. Is that problem fixed?
                Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                • #10
                  none of the europe.bat have actually worked for me


                  • #11

                    To Mao: No it wasn't. Now it is:

                    To Desert Fox:

                    I have no idea what is the reason of your problem. It sounds like button 1 in keyboard is constantly pressed.

                    You can replace files manually too but it is very complicated to orienteer without the program. Open it as text file and follow choices.
                    But don't change the name of existing file. Copy it to another folder, delete number and copy back - so original files remain intact.

                    Or you can post here which scenario you want to play, nation, difficulty level. Then I post instructions.


                    • #12
                      I can see it now, Marko. Excellent work my friend! You've made quite a scenario, and a great website to support it. I especially liked the Spain story. How is the situation going for you in that game? What is your stance with the Allies? They have 2 cities that look like they may give you trouble, one looked like it was right on the original Frech-Spain border. Better watch out though, if they now have the Bomb. Have they unleashed it yet?

                      [This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited April 10, 2001).]


                      • #13
                        Thank u Marko for your reply
                        I am still not getting anywhere
                        i thought maybe it was because i had the num lock on but it wasnt
                        I believe I have downloaded all the newest files, inc the europe.bat
                        i have patched civ2 with v3
                        maybe i have a bad labels.txt file or an event file that would throw out
                        the bat program?
                        when i run europe.bat it just goes down selecting one at every chance it gets without allowing me to pick any choices at all
                        any help or advice would be appreciated
                        it looks like a classic scenario
                        and i would very much like to play it without doing all that manual setup
                        of files
                        Thanks again


                        • #14

                          No, the problem is not in label or events files.

                          Europe.bat simply let you choice which files it copies (events, rules, labels, sounds, .scn etc) for your game setup.
                          The bat program function CHOICE don't work in your system in some reasons.

