The thread really got my attention and caused me to re-think my unit stats for future scenarios:
When you work with statistics you don't have to worry about ties since the calculation will assume an equal number of ties or split the ties evenly between the sides (Basically assign the damage evenly to both sides). How the game handles it is irrelevant IMHO since you are trying to calculate odds of each side winning, not what happens in the specific case of the odd tie. Assume the game "rolls" a number between zero and one with 3 decimal places then compares it to the odd level at which side A or B wins the toss (For example 0.500) there will only be one tie every 1000 rolls. I actually think the calc goes beyond 3 decimal places so there are probably no ties at all in the game.
I do not think the .125 bias on the denominator of the formula above applies. The odds should be a straightforward (a/a+d)
I made a spreadsheet using the BINOMDIST Excel function to assess the results of multiple rolls and the impact of HP and FP on the odds of winning. HP and FP are truly VERY important in the ultimate outcome of an attack. I also added calculations for the average damage sustained by the winning unit. In the process I actually made some (for me) shocking discoveries on how much the FP and especially HP impacts outcome.
For example a unit 11a,6d,2FP,3HP unit attacking a 15a,9d,2FP,2HP unit versus a 15a,10d,2FP,2HP unit attacking the same 15a,9d,2FP,2HP...
This is an example from my scenario under construction... the 15a represents the better, newer unit to attack with and the 11a unit represent an older unit but slightly more rugged than the 15a version...
Well amazing the older unit with 3HP wins 93.5% of the time versus only 86.9% for the newer unit!! The older does sustain an average of 16 points of damage, while the newer one only averages 12
Here is the classic shore bombardment conflict
The battleship
against Mech Infantry
Results: 100.00% victory, BB only sustains 8 pts of damage on average
I ran dozens of my units through it to see how they fare against eachother and got a lot of interesting insight. Thanks!
When you work with statistics you don't have to worry about ties since the calculation will assume an equal number of ties or split the ties evenly between the sides (Basically assign the damage evenly to both sides). How the game handles it is irrelevant IMHO since you are trying to calculate odds of each side winning, not what happens in the specific case of the odd tie. Assume the game "rolls" a number between zero and one with 3 decimal places then compares it to the odd level at which side A or B wins the toss (For example 0.500) there will only be one tie every 1000 rolls. I actually think the calc goes beyond 3 decimal places so there are probably no ties at all in the game.
I do not think the .125 bias on the denominator of the formula above applies. The odds should be a straightforward (a/a+d)
I made a spreadsheet using the BINOMDIST Excel function to assess the results of multiple rolls and the impact of HP and FP on the odds of winning. HP and FP are truly VERY important in the ultimate outcome of an attack. I also added calculations for the average damage sustained by the winning unit. In the process I actually made some (for me) shocking discoveries on how much the FP and especially HP impacts outcome.
For example a unit 11a,6d,2FP,3HP unit attacking a 15a,9d,2FP,2HP unit versus a 15a,10d,2FP,2HP unit attacking the same 15a,9d,2FP,2HP...
This is an example from my scenario under construction... the 15a represents the better, newer unit to attack with and the 11a unit represent an older unit but slightly more rugged than the 15a version...
Well amazing the older unit with 3HP wins 93.5% of the time versus only 86.9% for the newer unit!! The older does sustain an average of 16 points of damage, while the newer one only averages 12
Here is the classic shore bombardment conflict
The battleship
against Mech Infantry
Results: 100.00% victory, BB only sustains 8 pts of damage on average
I ran dozens of my units through it to see how they fare against eachother and got a lot of interesting insight. Thanks!