Yesterday, my E-drive broke down. It's a physical problem, unfixable. I now have a new one. But the content of the E-drive is most propably for ever lost. Causualties? All my AoE - but worse, almost all of my Civ2 files (ca. 600 MB). Right now I have only following scenarios, which have been installed in my MGE copy: A what-if-Germany-had-won-WW2-scenario, Jesús Muñoz' 30years war, Spanish Pride by Jesùs Balsinde, Mike Jeszenka's 7 Year's War, One about the Arab conquests, Falkland War, and my own alteration to the WW79 scenario.
Everything else is lost.
All my finished and unfinished scenario files, everything, simply everything. The only thing I can recover are the files for my newest scenario, "Sons of Heracles" which I herewith ask for from my playtesters, and two maps that were just sent to me. All other files, simply everything is lost, forever.
Right now I'm not sure what to do. I have lost my Civ2 archive, some of the stuff I can't recover because I took it from sites not existing anymore etc.
All finished files for Ifriqiya (another one of my maybe upcoming projects) which are the rules file and a good number of graphics I spent hours on are gone.
Somehow makes one laugh, doesen't it? Gone forever... But the only thing I'm angry about is that I wasted so much time on all this.
Everything else is lost.
All my finished and unfinished scenario files, everything, simply everything. The only thing I can recover are the files for my newest scenario, "Sons of Heracles" which I herewith ask for from my playtesters, and two maps that were just sent to me. All other files, simply everything is lost, forever.
Right now I'm not sure what to do. I have lost my Civ2 archive, some of the stuff I can't recover because I took it from sites not existing anymore etc.
All finished files for Ifriqiya (another one of my maybe upcoming projects) which are the rules file and a good number of graphics I spent hours on are gone.
Somehow makes one laugh, doesen't it? Gone forever... But the only thing I'm angry about is that I wasted so much time on all this.