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2194 Game 2

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  • 2194 Game 2

    Axis Line up:

    Field Marshal Klesh as Japan
    Xin Yu as Germany

    Allied Line up (temporarily):

    Captain Nemo as the Soviet Union
    Marko as the United States
    dizepam as the Great Britain

    The game will start as soon as the Allied side confirms its Line up.

  • #2
    Nemo vs Xin Yu: Battle of the Titans.


    • #3

      Nemo vs Xin Yu: Battle of the Titans.

      ok, guys,

      you really do need to make this game available for download
      Second President of Apolytonia, and Vice-President twice
      Shemir Naldayev, 1st Ukrainian front comander at the Red front democracy gamePresidente de la Republica de España in the Civil War Demogame


      • #4

        I'm ready to start.


        • #5
          I sure want to play another round. This time things are going to be different...
          Captain Nemo: it would be good if you manage to make a more balanced version of this scenario for multiplayer purposes.


          • #6
            Sorry to dissappoint you but a good scenario designer does not a great Civ2 player make...
            I will probably get trounced too, especially since I don't know the idiosynchrasies (sp?) of the Hotseat game.
            What is this thing about building churches and AA batteries?
            I will play the game as the Soviets though, if you can put up with my timing and lack of experience in this type of game. Which events do you use? Are you using the latest version where the tech-tree errors have been corrected?


            • #7
              The last game we used the latest version (Readme file dated 10/5/2000) and the tech tree errors were corrected. Rules.txt used Allied advantage (rules1.txt) and events.txt used German Human Player setup (events1.txt).

              Now Field Marshal Klesh will start our war at Pearl Harbor. I expect that he uses the same setup.


              • #8
                If you guys send all games to I will upload them for others to download them once the game is complete.
                Please Visit:

                And contribute if you can!


                • #9
                  Are you E-mailing me the game when it is ready for Comrade Stalin to impose World Communism?


                  • #10
                    December 1941

                    Japanese Broadcast

                    Greetings to our newly liberated Asian bretheren.
                    Japan has succesfully launched several sneak attacks to rid our rightful territory from these Colonialist swine. The Imperial Navy supported simultanious beach assaults all across the South Pacific which took the British and American garrisons completely by surprise.
                    Most notable was the utter destruction of the American Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor. A feat of nearly equal value was the smashing of the Red Navy's Pacific Fleet at Vladivostok. Several smaller British Fleets were also disposed of quite promptly, namely the HMS Repulse and Prince of Wales. Also other British Battleships and their escorts were destroyed in the Indian Ocean.

                    People of Greater Asia, Rejoice! Our world is free from tryanny! Our Imperial Navy will protect all of our possetions with valiant determination!

                    Below is a list of territories released from the clutches of the Colonialists by our heroes:

                    1. Kunming
                    2. Rangoon
                    3. Calcutta
                    4. Kuala Lumpur
                    5. Singapore
                    6. Padang
                    7. Tarakan
                    8. Surabaya
                    9. Ambon
                    10. Hong Kong
                    11. Manilla
                    12. Davao
                    13. Guam
                    14. Rabaul
                    15. Port Moresby
                    16. Darwin
                    17. Pearl Harbor
                    18. Midway
                    19. Vladivostok
                    20. Khabarowsk
                    (21.)Nerchinsk (Destroyed)

                    Now we pray that our Axis comrades will deliver crushing blows to both the Soviets and the British, and teach them some important lessons.
                    A toast is raised to the Axis, may the world revolve about us!
                    [This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited January 21, 2001).]


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by Xin Yu on 01-20-2001 11:53 AM
                      The last game we used the latest version (Readme file dated 10/5/2000) and the tech tree errors were corrected. Rules.txt used Allied advantage (rules1.txt) and events.txt used German Human Player setup (events1.txt).

                      Now Field Marshal Klesh will start our war at Pearl Harbor. I expect that he uses the same setup.



                      • #12
                        Is the issue of the AI changing the production of units and improvements between turns avoidable? If it isn't easily fixed I could change the rules.txt to change all "defense-type" units to role=0 (For all the human players) so the AI isn't as tempted to switch production? I look forward to this game and if it is fun and worth repeating I will consider making a special version for multiplayers. Have the unit-producing events been removed? What is the order of play? I thought it was Japan-USA-Soviet Union-Germany-UK?


                        • #13
                          Captain Nemo,

                          The sequence is Japan-Germany-America-Britain-Soviet. The unit generating events were not removed.

                          As for the AI changing production order, let's take care of it after this game. There are many things to change if you really want it to be suitable for multiplayer.


                          • #14
                            Where is the game now? Have you finished your turn Xin? Is there anything left of the Soviet Union to even play?


                            • #15
                              Pretty much I got what I wanted. Soviet still has Stalingrad and Baku in Europe. I also captured Sverdlovsk and I almost meet Japan in Siberia with only one Soviet city in between (if only FMK could get that city!) However the Soviet has a lot of event generated units in Stalingrad so I don't know how many cities I'm gonna lose.

                              I got Gibralta and Alexandria in the Southern front. That's all I can get in turn 1.

                              Now I face the toughest question: how to set up defense...

                              Until tomorrow.

