Ok, here is it (temporarily on my second account, due to some DL problems with my crosswinds site):
http://home.debitel.net/user/bbrosing/ImpRomEng.zip (English)
http://home.debitel.net/user/bbrosing/ImpRomGer.zip (German)
http://home.debitel.net/user/bbrosing/ImpRomSnd.zip (Sounds)
Please make sure that you have setup the scenario correctly before you start it (see under "Installation" in the readme)
There are also some minor bugs, but they aren´t important for the gameplay:
-some land units appear as transporters in the civilopedia, despite the "carry units" flag is not activated (and of course they can´t carry other units)
-sometimes your units can receive a strange "goto" order, seems to be a little civbug
-ignore the "xy has maked peace with z" messages that somtimes appear, they have no meaning.
I think most interesting is the game as Romans, then as Macedonians, Phoenicians are easier in the beginning.
Ok, that´s all...have fun!
Here´s a minor update for the (English)scenario:
Here´s the same for the german version:
and a little textfile that explains the update(in both English and German):
Thanks to Kull and CyberChrist for their quick help
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by BeBro (edited February 04, 2001).]</font>
http://home.debitel.net/user/bbrosing/ImpRomEng.zip (English)
http://home.debitel.net/user/bbrosing/ImpRomGer.zip (German)
http://home.debitel.net/user/bbrosing/ImpRomSnd.zip (Sounds)
Please make sure that you have setup the scenario correctly before you start it (see under "Installation" in the readme)
There are also some minor bugs, but they aren´t important for the gameplay:
-some land units appear as transporters in the civilopedia, despite the "carry units" flag is not activated (and of course they can´t carry other units)
-sometimes your units can receive a strange "goto" order, seems to be a little civbug
-ignore the "xy has maked peace with z" messages that somtimes appear, they have no meaning.
I think most interesting is the game as Romans, then as Macedonians, Phoenicians are easier in the beginning.
Ok, that´s all...have fun!

Here´s a minor update for the (English)scenario:
Here´s the same for the german version:
and a little textfile that explains the update(in both English and German):
Thanks to Kull and CyberChrist for their quick help

<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by BeBro (edited February 04, 2001).]</font>