As all the fans (yes both of you!) of my Napoleon scenario will be pleased to hear v 1.1 is nearly finished, 1.1 inprovements:
- Much harder for the French to maintain the war in Holland and Italy at the same time
- Cities grow much more slowly now
- Terrain chages (stats and grphics)
- Prussia gets new city style
- General and Old gaurd made weaker
- Poland made weaker
- Changed some city names
It should be ready in 2 or 3 days
Now for the questions
1. How can I get units to stay in forts and cities, when the unit has a higher attack than defence value and is set to attack?
2. Can I have my periods in the game different lengths?
i.e. have one set of rules, events and units for 36 turns and then have another set for 12 turns etc.
because I would like to have ythe following periods in my scenario, each with its own units, evnts etc.
1793-1796 Revolutionary wars
1796-1802 Napoleon arrives/The Eygptian campain
1802-1803 Peace of Armeins
1803-1806 Into central europe
1806-1810 From Australitz to Berlin
1810-1812 Master of the world?
1812-1814 The Russian campain/the retreat from Russia
1814-1815 Holding back the tide
1815- The last battle
This is what I have planed for version 1.2, I would just to know if this is possible?
Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!
- Much harder for the French to maintain the war in Holland and Italy at the same time
- Cities grow much more slowly now
- Terrain chages (stats and grphics)
- Prussia gets new city style
- General and Old gaurd made weaker
- Poland made weaker
- Changed some city names
It should be ready in 2 or 3 days
Now for the questions
1. How can I get units to stay in forts and cities, when the unit has a higher attack than defence value and is set to attack?
2. Can I have my periods in the game different lengths?
i.e. have one set of rules, events and units for 36 turns and then have another set for 12 turns etc.
because I would like to have ythe following periods in my scenario, each with its own units, evnts etc.
1793-1796 Revolutionary wars
1796-1802 Napoleon arrives/The Eygptian campain
1802-1803 Peace of Armeins
1803-1806 Into central europe
1806-1810 From Australitz to Berlin
1810-1812 Master of the world?
1812-1814 The Russian campain/the retreat from Russia
1814-1815 Holding back the tide
1815- The last battle
This is what I have planed for version 1.2, I would just to know if this is possible?
Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!