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Hundred Years' War scenario...

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  • Hundred Years' War scenario...

    Anyone know of it? I'm playing it now, it's pretty good with artwork and such. But the events seem to be screwy with the triggerattacker and triggerdefender thingies messed up. Does anyone know if I'm right or even what scenario I'm talking about? And is it possible to ever get musketeer units?
    <font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Mao (edited October 07, 2000).]</font>
    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

  • #2
    I have three scenarios on that topic. Who's the author?
    Follow the masses!
    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


    • #3
      Musketeers in the Hundred Year's War ? If it's a good scen, no. Light artillery, yes.
      "Io non volgo le spalle dinnanzi al nemico!!!" - il Conte di San Sebastiano al messo del comandante in capo, battaglia dell'Assietta
      "E' più facile far passare un cammello per la cruna di un ago che un pensiero nel cervello di Bush!!!" - Zelig
      "Live fire, and not cold steel, now resolve battles" - Marshall de Puysegur


      • #4
        I know of it Mao, It one of my favorties.It has a few problems though
        1) The French AL always loses
        2) units dont stay in forts like they are suposed to
        3) The musketeer unit are unavalible for some reason

        in fact I'm going to try and contact the guy who wrote it and ask if he is going to do an update, if he is not then I'll ask for permission to update it, its a very good scenario with a little more work it could a great scenario
        "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

        "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


        • #5
          So are the triggerattacker and triggerdefender things screwy?

          The e-mail of the author is (from the readme) I don't know...anyone know of him?
          Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


          • #6
   no one else knows what I'm talking about?
            Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


            • #7
              Nope just me I'm afraid

              but I do have some answers for you,

              1) the trigger attacker etc.

              is screwy but its a bug with Civ not the authors fault, its quite a well documented bug.
              When you select anybody as triggerattacker/defender only the first civ to activate the event can use it from then on.

              2) The musketeers can't ever be built because their prereq. is NO - Gunpowder, many other good things are also ruled out because of NO - * advances, which is a shame

              thats all for now, I am making a new version (2.1) of it, but the person has not replyed to my e-mail yet,so I am unsure if I can realese it

              Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!
              "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

              "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


              • #8
                No, I don't mean about that first triggerattacker/defender bug, I know about that. I meant about the leader's unitkilled orders. They don't happen sometimes.
                Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                • #9
                  The only time that has happened to me is when the leaders get bribed, then when they are killed the owner is different so the event doesn't work

                  Windows 98 (windoze) a 32 bit extention of a 16 bit graphical shell for an 8 bit operating system, origalanly coded for a 4 bit processor by a 2 bit company who can't stand one bit of competition!
                  "The Christian way has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found to be hard and left untried" - GK Chesterton.

                  "The most obvious predicition about the future is that it will be mostly like the past" - Alain de Botton


                  • #10
                    Yeah that's what I was talking about. The owner thingies for each leader is different so it doesn't work.
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!

