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Second Front screenshots

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  • #31
    Nemo, after some time, is coming in "en puissance" again...I'll gladly write some nice reports on this forum. Remember Sergeï writing to his girlfriend Natascha? By the way, thanx for mentioning me in your!


    • #32
      I have an idea. First, hexedit the first unit in the saved file to be an AI air unit (move 0) in a corner, well protected from any attacks (using river mines). This ensures that the AI unit will remain in that position for the rest of the game. Write down the hex string for the AI unit and use it as a search key to find the starting position of units. Then starting from that position, you can do whatever you want in editing unit slots. If the total number of units in the game can be obtained then we know when to stop.


      • #33
        I would like to get in touch with you because I need to ask you about a few things.

        But I don't know your e-mail. Mine is if you wouldn't mind sending me an e-mail, or my ICQ number is 34043684 if you could contact me either way I'd appreciate it.



        • #34
          Captain Nemo:
          When is your planned release of Second Front?
          To me, it already looks quite nice, I wouldn't mind if it was released tomorrow


          but the coding between the exe files is different

          Is there really that much difference between them? Is it pointless to compare the files?
          What a pity!
          I thought of another point this could reveal:

          Do you think it's possible to change the length event files may use? This figure also changed drastically between CiC, FW, MGE, and ToT... Have you alreay tried where it is located?

          It would be nice if you could do this job, since I'm always running out of events space, perhaps a few MB could be enough
          Civilization Webring Forum


          • #35
            PAP: My E-mail address is in my profile ( the "O" is a zero)

            SCDARS: Second Front is progressing but slower than expected. Each phase gets more complicated to account for prior events and possible diverging results from player to player. Release expected within a month...hopefully.

            Xin Yu: I think the question here was adding more "types" of units to allow for Free French, Canadian and more...
            The total number of units (Too many units...) should not be an issue in SF.

            Overdrive: I look forward to your reports from Omaha or Juno...


            • #36
              Coming soon!


              • #37
                Nemo: I'm sure you need another project like you need a hole in the head , but I have to agree with Leonidas....the Second Front "engine" seems to be a perfect fit for the "Battle of the Bulge". The fuel component of SF and the Summer-Winter feature of RF could perfectly mimic the Germans' desperate attempt to reach the Allied fuel depots while relying on bad weather to ground the powerful Allied air.

                Just when it seemed that new WWII themes were imposssible, you've reinvigorated the genre! My hat is off to you and your dedicated corps of playtesters. (Let's not forget them everyone, else we wouldn't see SF until the snows fall!)
                To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                • #38
                  Battle of the Bulge is definitely on my list of "I would love to do that" themes. A House-to-house depiction of Stalingrad is also up there...

                  BUT! Right now Second Front is a 100% effort and the redo of Red Front is lined up right behind this one. Then we will see...

                  I also want to thank the testplayers for their efforts... Without them I'd give up. Right now there is only one active (Anzac) with Petroski and Winchell taking a break... If anyone has FW and wants to spend many HOURS being Ike and Monty and writing feedback I am open to getting some more help right now.

                  If someone with very good English skills wants to proofread all the files that would be great too.


                  • #39
                    I'd like to contribute in some way, and since my playing skills are somewhat lacking, I'd volunteer to proofread some files. if you want me to.
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #40
                      Nemo, I'd be glad to playtest if only I got an uncorrupted version!


                      • #41
                        I'd give 2nd Front a serious shot- be it for proof-reding or playtesting.


                        • #42
                          Just bumping this subject since it will soon become current again...
                          Here is the map size approx. 10,000

                          It show the situation in the morning on D-Day. You can see the Allied Armada North of the 5 landing zones. You can also make out the hedgerow terrain that dominates the Normandy countryside and even see the sunken road that criss-cross it. This is one of the main features of the game... learning how to fight in the hedgerows. Along the North edge of the map is the Southern coast of England where every soldier, every tank, every fuel truck, every airplane that is used in Normandy must come from. There is no production management in conquered France since the French village cannot produce anything!
                          [This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited September 03, 2000).]
                          [This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited September 09, 2000).]


                          • #43
                            I played though a bit of Red Front, and looking at these screenshots... WOW! I'll probably be one of a horde who will try to download it on the first day.
                            *grumbles about work*


                            • #44
                              That map is awesome, Captain Nemo!

                              By these previews, I am beginning to believe that Second Front will beat Red Front itself!
                              "An intellectual is a man who doesn't know how to park a bike"
                              - Spiro T. Agnew


                              • #45
                                It looks perfect. How much longer until the release? 2-3 weeks? I'm sure it will be worth the wait.

                                Nemo, are you still planning to make the "1.941" version of Red Front after the release of Second Front?

                                The strategically impaired,

