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Second Front screenshots

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  • #16

    Enquiring minds want to know.

    1)What is the timeline of this scenario? Do you include events like the Battle of the Bulge and Operation Market-Garden, for example?

    2) How large is the map? Does it extend into Germany? Do Soviet Units appear on the Eastern edge at some point?

    Or must I wait until the scenario comes out to slake my curiousity?



    • #17
      A few more answers:

      I am certainly hoping for Xin Yu to play this and tell me how to beat it... It is really tough! I have made it very difficult to win if you don't follow the "Historical path" (If you don't capture the objectives the Allied High Command "redirects" your reinforcements to the Italian Campaign ).

      The Fuel: All Allied motorized units are "settlers" that eat 2 "fuel" per turn (The haystacks now look like fuel jerricans), the city population has been set to eat nothing so all the "fuel" goes to the vehicles... But all the terrain is set to produce 0 fuel too so now units can't be supported by any city in France. Only the British cities have "Fuel depots" that produce the fuel. But those cities can only support a limited number of units because they don't have many shields...The only way is to move the units to France, support them in the French villages but supply them with Fuel (Food) convoys from Britain... Granaries are Fuel depots. The text has been changed to read "Running out of Fuel" "Fuel supplies exhausted, your troops have abandonned their..." etc...

      Scale of the game:
      D-day is 11 turns, every day after D-Day is one turn. The game ends about the 25th of August when the German defense collapsed and the Wehrmacht retreated back to the Rhine.
      This is about the time Paris was liberated, and the battle for Normandy was completely over (The Falaise gap was closed on the 18th). The map covers only Normandy and a piece of the coast of Southern England. The only "Big Cities" in France are Le Havre, Cherbourg, St Malo and Caen.

      The game has D-Day, the battle for Cherbourg, the battle for Caen, Operation Epson, Operation Goodwood, Operation Cobra, the Mortain counter-offensive and the Battle of Falaise...

      The green is the backdrop of the white star on most US fighting vehicles...That way the shield looks like some sort of US military insignia. For some reason I always hated the blue shields.

      I am hoping to be finished in 4-6 weeks.

      [This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited June 26, 2000).]


      • #18
        I made this one in max zoom mode

        Why? SHIFT+Z Power!

        St. Leo
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


        • #19
          I can't wait to play this one

          Captain Nemo, maybe for your next scenario - you could do The battle of the Bulge from the German side - my we're demanding gamers, aren't we...

          Go tell the Spartans, passerby:
          That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.


          • #20
            I like the self propelled arty. Is it home made, or can I download it somewhere?


            • #21

              FYI I just saw the old B&W movie "The Longest Day" on AMC a couple days ago. If you could somehow get a hold of it, coupled with Private Ryan, I bet you could get some bad-ass sound effects, especially with the Brit commandos' daring glider assault the bridge on the Orne.

              Anyhow, watching that movie, in the context of your upcoming scenario, made me wonder:

              Do you have French partisans?
              Do you have free French Units somehow distinctly represented? Canadians? Or are they just "integrated" into the Americans and Brits? Seems to me that, for example, the Free French units could have more mobility than the others b/c they "parlez vous Francais."

              Just thoughts anyhow.


              • #22
                The Longest Day...that was a classic. Favorite part was the climbing of the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc.

                Michael Dnes: It's the Captain's SP artillery.

                Sortub: I think I'll let Nemo answer so your anger isn't directed at me after you see what could have been in it.

                Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                • #23

                  To quote Wayne and Garth from "Wayne's World:" "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy."


                  • #24
                    It's "We're not Worthy!!! We're not Worthy!!!"

                    Get it right or pay the price!!


                    • #25
                      Just a few replies:

                      I have seen both movies (Both among my favorites). I have most of the sound effects already done and most are from "Saving PR".

                      I am however short on unit slots (Seems like there never is enough) so I have neither French Maquisards, Free French troops, Canadians or Polish... The Canadians are represented by British infantry and tanks and the Free French are rolled into the US forces (To which most of them reported)... I might be able to squeeze them in once the scenario is finalized but I doubt it.

                      I have many specialized units that take up slots and are important to the gameplay whereas French and Canadian units are really just adding "historical flavor".

                      Some things that are in the game: Airborne, British Commandos, gliders, DD amphibious tanks, Mines, bunkers, coastal artillery, demolition engineers, bazooka teams, Recon patrols in jeeps, multiple tanks types on each side... plus some unique ones representing special people, events and forces in Normandy... (You get to fight Michael Wittmann, for example)


                      • #26

                        You're right... I should have said "To paraphrase..."

                        This just shows how unworthy I am.

                        BTW one of the French partisans in "The Longest Day" was a really hot chick!


                        • #27
                          Thanks ANZAC. I wait eagerly for the scenario.


                          • #28
                            Nemo: I thought I remembered somebody made a post on how you could hex edit the number of slots for units. Or maybe I'm just delusional...because I don't have the URL.
                            Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                            • #29
                              I read that Allard was looking into it... It is possible IMHO since FW has 8 more slots than CiC...There should room to expand however it's probably not easy to do.

                              All the SF units are either my designs or Alex's. The 155mm "Long Tom" M40 is one of the many vehicles in RF that utilize the Sherman chassis... It will be available for general scenario use when I release Second Front... Hope you can wait?

                              If you need a SP artillery right now I recommend the Hummel and the Wespe from Red Front, I think they are as good as the M40.


                              • #30

                                I read that Allard was looking into it...

                                yes, but it's harder than I thought, I compared v2.02 to 2.42 to 2.62 to 2.78 to MGE to ToT got all of them separately now on my computer, but the coding between the exe files is different. Still there múst be a way, and I'm still struggling to find it.

