I was feeling bored yesterday, so I thought I'd give Red Front v 1.4 a try. I played and beat Red Front versions 1.2 and 1.3, so I always thought v 1.4 would just be more of the same. Right? Wrong
I am currently in Dec 1941, and the invading Hun has surrounded Moscow, has started to bomb Leningrad, and is approaching Stalingrad. Thank goodness for winter! What a scenario.
From the clanking of tank treads, the scream of Stuka dive-bombers, to the yells of SS infantry, this scenario (once again) has kept me on the edge of my seat. I applaud the improvements: better sounds, more German troops, tough fighting for the major objectives. Well done Captain Nemo. If there are still any humans on this planet who have not played Red Front yet, all I can say is: What are you waiting for!?
I am really looking forward to "Second Front". Any indication when it will be released? This scenario has set a new standard in Civ II scenario design. It is a very focused total war scenario. I realize this has all been said before - but it is a brilliant scenario
My wish list for future scenarios (based on this concept):
1) Battle of the Bulge
2) Battle of Britain
3) Operation Market Garden
4) The War in North Africa (Rommel's drive for the Suez Canal and the rich oil fields).
Any other total war scenarios worth making about WWII?
Keep up the excellent work Nemo and to all the rest of you scenario designers. I have been playing all of your scenarios for a long time (and many are truly excellent), and ALL of you are the ones that continue to make Civ II the great game that it is.
Go tell the Spartans, passerby:
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Leonidas (edited August 19, 2000).]</font>
I am currently in Dec 1941, and the invading Hun has surrounded Moscow, has started to bomb Leningrad, and is approaching Stalingrad. Thank goodness for winter! What a scenario.
From the clanking of tank treads, the scream of Stuka dive-bombers, to the yells of SS infantry, this scenario (once again) has kept me on the edge of my seat. I applaud the improvements: better sounds, more German troops, tough fighting for the major objectives. Well done Captain Nemo. If there are still any humans on this planet who have not played Red Front yet, all I can say is: What are you waiting for!?
I am really looking forward to "Second Front". Any indication when it will be released? This scenario has set a new standard in Civ II scenario design. It is a very focused total war scenario. I realize this has all been said before - but it is a brilliant scenario
My wish list for future scenarios (based on this concept):
1) Battle of the Bulge
2) Battle of Britain
3) Operation Market Garden
4) The War in North Africa (Rommel's drive for the Suez Canal and the rich oil fields).
Any other total war scenarios worth making about WWII?
Keep up the excellent work Nemo and to all the rest of you scenario designers. I have been playing all of your scenarios for a long time (and many are truly excellent), and ALL of you are the ones that continue to make Civ II the great game that it is.
Go tell the Spartans, passerby:
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Leonidas (edited August 19, 2000).]</font>