I'm working on a scenario, and, being the computer nerd that I am, I've decided to include some programs that will make some clever changes to saved game files as the scenario is being played. To test my code, I wrote a little utility called mapcopy, which I thought would be useful.
Basically, it takes the terrain map from one saved game file, and copies it to another. The two maps must be the same size. The cities and units on the map are not copied. I figure this might be useful if someone needs to make a large change to a map while in the middle of creating a scenario. They could make the change in the Map editor, and then use mapcopy to copy it to the scenario file. Without this utility, they would have to either make the changes from Civ2 (which may not work for some changes, like rivers), or recreate the cities and units in the scenario.
I think this could be useful. Does anyone else? If so, I'll clean it up a bit and release a beta version.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Dusty (edited August 19, 2000).]</font>
Basically, it takes the terrain map from one saved game file, and copies it to another. The two maps must be the same size. The cities and units on the map are not copied. I figure this might be useful if someone needs to make a large change to a map while in the middle of creating a scenario. They could make the change in the Map editor, and then use mapcopy to copy it to the scenario file. Without this utility, they would have to either make the changes from Civ2 (which may not work for some changes, like rivers), or recreate the cities and units in the scenario.
I think this could be useful. Does anyone else? If so, I'll clean it up a bit and release a beta version.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Dusty (edited August 19, 2000).]</font>