Need some playtesters for my first scenario(well 4th, but the others were lost to errors, file corruptions and my C drive dying last month (I love my computer
so anyone interested please put your e-mail here and I will get it to you ASAP

Edit: My bad spellinz
Cockney used to be schizophereic but we'er ok now
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by C0ckney (edited July 03, 2000).]</font>

so anyone interested please put your e-mail here and I will get it to you ASAP

Edit: My bad spellinz
Cockney used to be schizophereic but we'er ok now
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by C0ckney (edited July 03, 2000).]</font>