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Darius the great version 2.2!!!!!!!!

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  • Darius the great version 2.2!!!!!!!!

    Finally! After more than 6 months of work, it is here! Darius the Great version 2.2!

    It might be not entirely bug-free. I'm waiting for some final reports from my playtesters and then I'll release version 2.2.1. But I decided to finally publish that sucker (almost exactly a year after I brought out "Artaxerxes").
    Download it at:
    or directly at:

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    Our survival is based on continouus changing.
    -Mao Tse-Tung
    God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
    much screwed that whole idea..

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  • #2
    Thank you very much Stefan it promises to be an other awesome scenario but....
    I had major problems with the installation.
    First I started the game without changing the name of the events file: all seem fine (no event, obviously) apart from the fact that in Athens I have SAM and SDI (so named) both with the same simbol (the "Gold Mine" of Pharaoh).
    Then I close, I rename events1 to events and restart.
    The events file appears on the screen running like crazy: I have to shut down the computer...retry...same result.


    • #3
      I can advance an hypothesis: is the fact that I always play without the CD (otherwise the game immediately crashes) important for Darius 2.2?


      • #4
        Did you unzip all the files? Are you using a non-English version?

        St. Leo
        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


        • #5
          Stefan and Sloth, as I started the scn after renaming events1 into events I found that there was still a @debug line in the events. This causes a debug operation when the scn starts so I think its better to remove this line.



          • #6
            St.Leo: Yes I unzipped all the files. Yes, I have the italian version. No *.ita files, just the usual .txt files.
            BeBro: I will implement your suggestion as soon as possible!


            • #7
              Just a question to improve my knowledge : why is the Spartan navy so strong in the beginning (as the readme says)? Was that in reality so that time, or is it to make the Spartans a bit more dangerous? I thought the Spartans hadn´t a big fleet before the Peloponnesian Wars (but perhaps their allies...I don´t know, were they allied with Corinth?)


              • #8
                BeBro: Spartan naval interventions streched from the Peloppones to Cyprus in about 515 BC. During that time, Sparta was the leading naval power of Greece (only shortly, though).

                I don't know, the scenario worked error-free in my version and the versions the playtesters got. There were Spanish, French, Greek (?) and American versions involved.

                Follow the masses!
                30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

                Our survival is based on continouus changing.
                -Mao Tse-Tung
                God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
                much screwed that whole idea..

                Visit my Homepage at:
                Follow the masses!
                30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                • #9
                  BeBro suggestion implemented...scenario start perfectly:thanks BeBro.

                  SDI and SAM still present in Athens: should I rename the improvments or just sell them for money?

                  P.S.: Stefan have you ever read "The Assyrian" and "The Blood Star" of Nichoals Guild? What a scenario this story could produce!!


                  • #10
                    Just sell these improvements till a bugfix comes out

                    I haven't read these books, but I have read another one by that author, called "The Macedonian". I remember that there was a book called "The Assyrian" in the list of other works by this author, though. I'll see if I can find it.

                    Follow the masses!
                    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

                    Our survival is based on continouus changing.
                    -Mao Tse-Tung
                    God might have created us as equals, but democracy and science pretty
                    much screwed that whole idea..

                    Visit my Homepage at:
                    Follow the masses!
                    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                    • #11
                      Not the best of best, maybe: a little "Hollywood syle" for sure...but I'm reading "The Assyrian" for the third time so...I must have liked it
                      It covers the life of Tiglath Assur, a fictional caracter, brother of Asaraddon and son of Sennacherib, his war against Elamites, Medes, Scythians and Babylonians.
                      "The Blood Star is the sequel dealing with Tiglath "Odissey" in Egypt, Phoenicia and Sicily.
                      If you ( or anyone else) ever decide to do an Assyrian scenario...


                      • #12
                        Sounds just like "The Macedonian". The scenes where The two bad guys (boy&girl) were planning the political intrigues while sleeping with each another were very boring, but other parts were great.
                        Follow the masses!
                        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!

