I've decided to draw some of my own units for a project, partly because I'll never find all the graphics already made out, and because I'm not a huge fan of scanned, "Hi-res" units.
These are a M2 Bradley, a Marder, and 2 infantry units (The first to be used by "Western" armies, the other by the Warsaw Pact and Yugoslavia).
I was able to obtain images for a great deal of the equipment involved, but if anyone can help me find them for the following it'll help and you'll be credited:
GCT 155mm (French SP gun)
Pz 68/88 (Swiss tank)
FMC/NUROL, FMC/NUROL 120mm (Turkish tank and SP gun... are these the actual names? I got them from the OAoW2 manual)
S-4K7F (Austrian IFV/APC)
IAFV (Italian IFV/APC)
Palmaria 155mm(Italian SP gun)
S211 (Italian plane)
Roland (SAM system-can't find a GOOD image)