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RedFront Suggestions

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  • RedFront Suggestions

    First off, notice this spelling error in Events3.txt:

    <center><table width=80%><tr><td><font color=000080 face="Verdana" size=2><font size="1">quote:
    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1>
    ^The Germans are pushing pushing through the Moscow defense perimeter
    ^to the South, threatening to encircle the city.

    <img src="/images/blue1.gif" width=100% height=1></font></td></tr></table></center>

    The germans are pushing so hard they're going into labor!

    Also, the NKVD troopers don't make much of an appearance after Summer/Winter 1941. I know they were involved in the war afterwards, but weren't they involved a little more than your scenario depicts after the fall of Kharkov? Did they move their headquarters?

    What would be nice is 1 free NKVD every turn in X city until Kharkov is retaken, then 1 free from Kharkov. Or maybe when a Red Guard dies, it's leader is "Promoted" to NKVD status?

  • #2
    NKVD Troopers are also produced in Saratov
    Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


    • #3
      Saratov has awful production. Just awful. 6 shields a turn I think. Last time I checked, it would take 5 turns to build 1 NKVD.

      It would take a lot of diverted resources to boost the production in that remote city.


      • #4
        You are sooo right.
        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


        • #5
          NKVD troopers are valuable enough to me that I'll just rushbuild them in Saratov. It's close enough to the main front to be of good use.

          I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!


          • #6
            There's some space between Berlin and Dresden. On the river Spree, that also runs through Berlin there could be placed Cottbus, my home town. It became important together with Dresden in 1945 b/c in the area southern of Berlin, there were "important" armies located.

            Cottbus has nowadays 100.000 inhabitants, in those times maybe 50.000-100.000...
            build it! N-E of Dresden, S-E of Berlin!

            DO IT, Nemo and Alex


            • #7
              Also, I think Red Army needs some kind of speed upgrade come late 1943. There's no way they can keep up with the panzers. Here's what I suggest:
              • Change Red Army movement to 2 in Summer of 1943. Change NKVD to 3. Change Red Guard to treat all squares as road. Bump Cavalry up to 3 as well.
              • I do though, build Mobile infantry to keep pace.
              • Another thing is the fortified positions. I'll admit it was pretty cool moving them to hold down key locations, but it was just too easy to hold those locations. How about making them upgrade to AA guns in the Winter of '41? That would keep people from using them as a permanent buffer from the Germans.
              • How about having the Siberian Regiments upgrade to Red Guards in the Summer of '43? This would free up a unit space.
              • The T-28s should not become T-34/85 guards, but more likely T-34/75 Guards.
              • The freighters get SLOWER after summer of 1941. Was this intended? I built the speed improvement, but I am living with 1 less movement (8 after summer 1941 vs. 9 for summer 1941)

              That's all for now!


              • #8
                There are Refugees "escaping" from the western border of Russia into the east when the Germans arrive the certain cities. I don't know if that's already the case, but what about German refugees fleeing the territorries that are nowadays polish...
                There were many refugees fleeing from Prussia when the Russians arrived.

                In case this feature is included in RedFront; well, I'm sorry then...but I haven't yet checked it

                "The more I know, the more do I know that I don't know anything" - forgotten who said that...
                "Within the peace, enemy attacks us..." - Kaiser Wilhelm II, August 1914
                "Hell, yeah!" - James Hetfield, while singing "Master Of Puppets" on Metallica-S&M-concert in spring 1999 in San Francisco


                • #9
                  With the 'everybody scientist' tactic the player can get KV1 produced by September 1941, enough to hold the line with or without moving fortified positions. Tech tree needs to be modified to counter this.


                  • #10
                    What do you mean? Make it so KV-1 couldn't be reached by september? That would be historically innacurate.

                    KV1 by september is a perfectly acceptable tactic. I'd really like to see somebody actually make use of it (ie build enough KV1s to spread acrost the line).

                    The biggest threat to your security occurs around Sermafovich (sp?) where German units love to bypass and wander off into the wilderness of Siberia.

                    Otherwise, AA guns can handle most everything.

                    Here's another suggestion:

                    Eliminate the road between Kerch and Sevestapol. I was move mass amounts of units from invincible Sevestapol to defend Kerch.

                    Airports can be used very interestingly. You may wish to consider restricting their construction...

                    This is because they can be built on industry to give farm-like food production in summer, or anywhere to give industry like shields in winter.

                    They can also be strung together to produce a railroad effect.


                    • #11
                      Remove road between Kerch and Sevastopol won't help. A freighter is all I need to ferry the units between them.

                      I believe that Captain Nemo wants to produce 'nothing you can do to stop the German in summer 1941' effect in the scenario. If KV-1s can be built in large quantities this effect will disappear. To be historically accurate KV-1s can be given by events so that their numbers are limited. Or give them defense 8 instead of 9.

                      There is another possible approach to stop the German but more likely to produce 'too many units' bug (and also costs more money). Build airbases in June 1941, build Katyushas (July and August) for counter-attack to slow down the German troops, then build Il-2s in September (Technology can be ready by Sept). By October they are ready and they'll mow down German advancing units. Defense units will be airlifted from the East. Since KV-1s can be built more quickly I have not tried this.


                      • #12
                        Actually I found in my last scenario, the best defense in the summer of 1941 was to leave just 1 Red Army in each city that would be taken (Anything west of the Volga). Also, disband any red army that the germans have a chance of killing. The payoff is in the 3 units that don't appear for every 1 red army death. DISBAND or ATTACK with all partisans possible. Don't let the germans kill them! 105mm are not what you want!

                        Also, avoid killing PanzerIVs and Werhmacht.

                        Go ape on Pz3 and Werhmacht SG.

                        Make sure to eliminate all Barracks and Airbases in danger zones.

                        Without those red army and partisan deaths, I found the German advance really weakened in RedFront 1.4

                        Another suggestion:

                        The germans seem to really like disbanding anti-tank defenses in 1.4... anything you did to those Nemo?


                        • #13
                          DarthVeda: not 1 vs 3, but 1 vs 6 if you disband a red army. I have suggested it before but Captain Nemo said it was semi-cheating.

                          AI selling anti-tank: the German has the Great Wall wonder in RF 1.4


                          • #14
                            Since my "America's Involvement" thread has fallen by the wayside, I thought I'd post this idea here. With regards to The Americans not playing much of a part in RF 1.4, perhaps a pop up like this:


                            Battle of the Bulge!
                            American POW's are assasinated by elements of Joachim Peiper's SS Division at Malmedy.
                            Casualties approach 100 in this massacre. However, the last German offensive of the war is halted at Bastogne as Patton's Armor releives the beseiged city.

                            The Americans now are speeding into the Reich.

                            Then perhaps create a good number of Gi's and Sherman's with support from P-47's very close to German cities on the Western Front. These cities would almost certainly be taken, and if the stacks were killed, the same multipyling effect would occur. This and other pop up events could be placed in to help the US along.

                            I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
                            [This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited April 27, 2000).]


                            • #15
                              It's EXACTLY what I have in the summer of 1945! Not the same text, something along the lines of "The 3rd Army crosses the Rhine at..." and then a bunch of GIs and Shermans pop up on the Western edge of the map with the multiplying effect of making 3 units for each killed.
                              The problem must be with one of the following:
                              1. The US AI has made peace with the Germans somewhere in the depths of Civ2, without indicating it and without responding to the "make agression" command.
                              2. The stacks that get wiped out only generate 1 unit x 3 instead of many units x 3
                              3. The unit limit is in effect and the Americans can't get their units.
                              4. The human players get into the heart of the Reich in 1944 or earlier and never reach the Summer of 1945 when this happens.

