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Two best scenarios of last monts for War Gallery

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  • #16
    Jeszenka, I've seen the page, and don't worry, there's nothing bad about it, if these simple words will reassure you. You haven't seen it? It's quite easy to get in really.. Anyway, there's nothing to fear for us "intellectuals", no reason to worry.

    Alex, if I may propose 2 scenarios, I would propose Vikings by Harlan Thompson( (though I'm not sure this email address is still valid)) and either Darius or Artaxerxes by Stefan Härtel ( ). Why these?
    Vikings is the greatest scenario there is, but it is starting to get really really old, all units being recycled hundreds of times. Improving these would add a new dimension to the scenario.
    Artaxerxes as well as Darius are also great scenarios. Very fun to play, and they already have great art, but I think that when art will be improved, the scenario will be more appreciated to its value.

    Also, Alex, I still owe you an email. I'll contact you as soon as possible.. It's holidays now!

    As for my scenario Homer v3 as Leo proposed; I don't like it personally. And also, perhaps more important, I don't want to give it "away", if you understand what I mean.. after all, it's my scenario... I want my scenarios to remain mine. no matter how naive that may sound.


    • #17
      Personally, I have nothing against adult sites. It's just that I feel that you should link to any such sites from a general page, not a CivII one.:-)

      St. Leo
      Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


      • #18

        I will send a letter to Harlan. I hope he will agree. He always told that he work for common interests.

        Also I will ask him to allow me to have his «Gengis Khan» scenario - this last may be not need a graphic improvement, but for Vikings we have a lot of new images.

        Hi St Leo. There are no adult «links» on my site, and so You are wrong.
        But there are a link to Russian Press on line on English, including Chechenia
        war info.

        The story about three blind men. Three blind men met an elephant. They did not see him but felt something in front of them. One man took an elephant’s tail and said: «Hey, we found a rope». Another man touched elephant’s lag and said : «No, it is a big pillow». The third men took elephant’s ear and said:
        «What we are talking about, it is a plant with big leafs».

        The morale of this story is: everybody can get in a trap if he try to talk about something, what he can not se!


        • #19
          you saw nothing...
          [This message has been edited by Michael Jeszenka (edited December 30, 1999).]
          Re-elect Bush!


          • #20
            I went through the page, and wasn't offended. Funny, I guess. Anyway, I'd say the lesson I've learned is that the connotation of "adult content" in Russia is way different than in America.
            Re-elect Bush!


            • #21
              (Off-topic but... thanks for the Russian news service. I have been trying to find Russian news in English, because the western media seems to be putting a rather strange slant on the news. The other day CNN was running rumors as their news, but no one has yet reported the Bin Laden connection or Taliban influence on Chechen military forces. VERY strange... that info seems like big news to me.)


              • #22
                Apparently Russia has it all wrong. When you go after Islamic militants its OK to use cruise missiles, not conventional troops. And God forbid you use them in your own country.
                "You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."


                • #23
                  Alex and Captain Nemo:

                  I have downloaded "Spartacus" and "2194days" from your site and they are great! I haven't finished either of them, but I think here's something I'd like to seen if you have a plan to upgrade the scenarios.


                  a) The suprises really caught me unprepared at first, but now I have figured out where to expect the next siege. Romans always appear next to the previous parts' quest cities, and no city is sieged twice. Maybe siege Pompie twice would be more surprising.

                  b) catapults always wander out of the city, and I can use this opportunity to move my archers next to the city and attack the next turn. I could capture Rome in part III this way. It's so easy. Better make catapults move=2 and must return to city so they won't leave the city. Or you can make them rotating so at least some of them will be in the city at any turn (in fact there are some cities which always have cataputs inside, and those caused me a lot of trouble).

                  c) Also put more missiles in coastal cities, becuase I can sacrafice a trade ship to a missile then use pirates to do amphibious assult.

                  d) The original spy (before Antroix) can steal a tech, this could interfere with game play, perhaps you should remove him.

                  e) I can bribe some barbarian montains and use them as shileds when attacking. I defeated the 'camp' traps easily with my archers hiding beneath the barb mountains. I can even attack some cities from there. Please allow no barb mountaints can be bribed.

                  f) put catapults in towers.

                  g) lower the defense of Antroix. One time the computer chose him over a yellow elephant to do the defense. He escaped but the elephant did not.

                  2194days (German):

                  a) I'd like to have a couple of spies who can investigate cities but cannot do anything else (except bribe/sabotage units). Make an event so at the beginning of the scenario the human player gets a couple of spies, but the AI don't (since AI spies can do all sorts of things).

                  b) Freight is too cheap. I can make Berlin celebrate then trade with London for instant cash and science. With 544 for matching copper (demand remains after trade) and only 20% discount , I can have one advence each turn. I can even build up a trade route to South America (with Rio) using my subs as escort, that could be more beneficial.

                  c) better put in readme.txt that German can develop stronger armors, British/USA better aircrafts, German/Russia/Japan missiles, Japan/USA better ships, and so on, so players know which techs to persue.

                  d) I can sell universities/Libraries and use freights for science. Maybe you can consider lowering the cost for university so I don't get too much instant cash.

                  e) First turn, Alexaderia doesn't have walls, Giblator doesn't have land units, Jelusalem and staligrad doesn't have aa guns. I can capture those cities easily:
                  Alexanderia: using tanks;
                  Giblator: use a freighter to land 4 armors in Spain, amor attack first to get rid of planes, then ships from Rome to get rid of (or at least dent) the carrier and the battleship, then use Stukas to finish the defenses, finally paradrop to occupy;
                  Jelusalem and Stalingrad: Use 109 fighters to destroy the defense fighters then use Stuka to destroy all other units. Paradrop to occupy the cities.
                  Better make some good defense units in those cities at the beginning of the scenario.


                  • #24
                    Xin, try playing as the Chinese in 2194 Days of War. It tests your skills, but gets annoying if you progress far enough in that there are too many units and the AI wont' let you make anymore.
                    Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                    • #25
                      Mao: I have to finish all five major civs before trying playing Chinese. If so I guess I should use the Russian folder for the setup.

                      Captain Nemo:

                      I really want spies in 2194days because I know how AI choose defense units. By investigating the cities I can use my units more efficiently. There are still some guesses since I don't know which units are vets, but after a couple of rounds of attacking and rechecking I can figure out which unit will be the next. (A hugh benifit, I can get my non-vet units to attack weaklings and hope they can become vets; I can also use bombers if I know AA guns and fighters will not be the next defense unit).

                      Another question: (I haven't played that part yet.) Normandy landing is triggered by turn counts. However both Americans and British move after German, thus (I suppose) German will have time to kill all landing units before they can do any harm. If that's true I suggest switch the sequence of American and German, or creat a super defense unit to protect the landing troops for one turn (the next turn the protecting unit will crash).

                      Alex: I'm in part IV of Spartacus now. Romans should be able to build legenaries, but they don't switch the production (still on 'slave market'). Will they switch later, or I have to manually do it for them?


                      • #26
                        I used the Japanese events when playing the Chinese. I don't think Nemo is planning on doing more with 2194 Days of War, but I can hope right? Nemo's new one is Red Front, try that. I think historically though, the Germans saw the allies land at Normandy, but then didn't know if it was just a diversion or a real attack, so they held back. This scenario gives the Germans the chance to actually attack had they been given the chance. Make sense? If so, explain it to me
                        Who wants DVDs? Good prices! I swear!


                        • #27
                          I think Nemo said somewhere that he wanted to upgrade 2194 Days with Red Front graphics and mechanisms some day. That's probably after he's satisfied with Red Front, however, so it might still be a while.

                          President of the Apolyton Workers' Union

                          "Workers of All the World, Unite!!"
                          sigs are for fools who havent said enough!


                          • #28

                            A lot of it had to do with the weather. Many German divisions were left without leaders/commanders because they thought that the Allies wouldn't attack due to the mucky weather. Instead, it ended up raining later on, now on the attack.
                            Nicholas Crown
                            The War of Civilization - An online Civilization text game.


                            • #29
                              What did that have to do with anything?


                              • #30
                                Mao: Jananese setup is in favor of Chinese, Russian setup is in favor of Japanese.

