cleaning the spam 
well since this is an on topic thread (apparently) i will use it the best i can, becuase like techumseh said, here at sleague we don't waste time.
Here are some notes i made while reviewing the Cormwell scenario. Let me know what you think fo them. I will try to explain them so they make sense to you.
1 ) cool sound set up utility!
Jeszenka, Allard and Jesus (i think) have used this successfully in the past and i am glad to see someone else using it now!
2 ) pink floyd! yes! yes! yes!
this is in reference to the pink floyd song that plays in the beginning of the scneario. my only concern is that the "time to go" part at the end could be cut to save space. a minor niggle.
3 ) good background!
in icons.bmp, the background for events text and starting dates and such.
4 ) dragoon graphic, much better choices out there
the dragoon was one of the lower quality graphics in civ2 to begin with, so i am surprised that it was kept in this scenario, which does have some good graphics in it.
5 ) lighten civ color for Royalists
the royalists were too dark blue, i found it difficult to read the city sizes and names sometimes.
6 ) "Archbishop" of the scots?
this may be historical, but i don't know. it seems a little odd to me!
7 ) technology can be traded! should set preqs to no, no.
this bug destroys the scenario! obviously the roundheads and cavaliers cant talk to each other but they can with the scots! setting the scots tech, royalist tech, and parliment tech to no, no, instead of nil, nil will solve this. until this is fixed the scenario is broken!
8 ) scoring already complete?
it seems strange to me.
9 ) france is empty. barbarians?
I think barbarian units and cities could be placed in france. that way it could be invaded by the english, but would never really attack.
10 ) many recycled (from orgiinal) grahpics!
oceans, units, terrains, i think that there are better graphics on the net! these should be used instead!
it is from these points that i will base my review for the sleague. any comments by anyone?
Stefan Härtel
I was wondering, Temba, how many of these horses do you have there?
I, as usual, revealed the map to inspect the cities placement, and found only one!
Please remember that I DON'T play games in cheat mode! I only checked the cities and wanted to look for horses
and whales (BTW, this idea originated from "Slash and Burn", thus you should credit the author for it. I
forwareded this idea to Allard Höfelt for "homer v3").
Mr Temba,
I too reviewed the 'Cromwell' scenario, and agree with many of your points - and specifically noted in my own review;
1) Sound set up - although seems to default to C:\Mps\Civ2\Scenarios, which doesn't work if you play your games from the C:\Unzipped folder.
3) Agreed - strong theming is a 'big plus'.
5) Yes - the navy blue is too dark and leads to confusion between fortified and active units in particular.
10) I was surprised that there are quite a few recycled graphics in light of the high quality of original ones in this scenario.
On technologies - a significant flaw I think is the omission of 'ceremonial burial' and 'monotheism', that means that several happiness improvements are ineffective. This was my major issue with 'General Care'. Other things such as three-quarters of the 'pedia being in German (easily fixed, notably the redundant three-quarters), and no text file for new cities are other minor technical concerns.
I scored the scenario highly despite these matters, as I thought it (again) captured the historical mood well, contained some good artwork, and played very well for a straight-forward conquest game. It wasn't terribly complex in design (no trade routes, no government switching, no tech' tree to speak of) but it isn't supposed to be trying to be complex - it's a battle, where combat tactics is the matter at hand.
I am glad this thread exists, because otherwise I wouldn't have found out about Cromwell. Where can I download it? Is it any good? BTW Temba, I never said we don't waste time here at SL. I said we are more serious about wasting time! So where is that Cromwell scenario?
Well, since we're discussing the Cromwell scenario, I should point out that Cam's review is now posted. OK, so we're a little bit behind on converting the reviews (since Thomas seems to have vanished on us), but we're catching up! Honest!
Did anyone try Exodus: 1947? I was having a great time as the Israelis until I saw "Sneak attack by English forces!" That pretty much wrecked it for me

well since this is an on topic thread (apparently) i will use it the best i can, becuase like techumseh said, here at sleague we don't waste time.
Here are some notes i made while reviewing the Cormwell scenario. Let me know what you think fo them. I will try to explain them so they make sense to you.
1 ) cool sound set up utility!
Jeszenka, Allard and Jesus (i think) have used this successfully in the past and i am glad to see someone else using it now!
2 ) pink floyd! yes! yes! yes!
this is in reference to the pink floyd song that plays in the beginning of the scneario. my only concern is that the "time to go" part at the end could be cut to save space. a minor niggle.
3 ) good background!
in icons.bmp, the background for events text and starting dates and such.
4 ) dragoon graphic, much better choices out there
the dragoon was one of the lower quality graphics in civ2 to begin with, so i am surprised that it was kept in this scenario, which does have some good graphics in it.
5 ) lighten civ color for Royalists
the royalists were too dark blue, i found it difficult to read the city sizes and names sometimes.
6 ) "Archbishop" of the scots?
this may be historical, but i don't know. it seems a little odd to me!
7 ) technology can be traded! should set preqs to no, no.
this bug destroys the scenario! obviously the roundheads and cavaliers cant talk to each other but they can with the scots! setting the scots tech, royalist tech, and parliment tech to no, no, instead of nil, nil will solve this. until this is fixed the scenario is broken!
8 ) scoring already complete?
it seems strange to me.
9 ) france is empty. barbarians?
I think barbarian units and cities could be placed in france. that way it could be invaded by the english, but would never really attack.
10 ) many recycled (from orgiinal) grahpics!
oceans, units, terrains, i think that there are better graphics on the net! these should be used instead!
it is from these points that i will base my review for the sleague. any comments by anyone?
Stefan Härtel
I was wondering, Temba, how many of these horses do you have there?
I, as usual, revealed the map to inspect the cities placement, and found only one!
Please remember that I DON'T play games in cheat mode! I only checked the cities and wanted to look for horses
and whales (BTW, this idea originated from "Slash and Burn", thus you should credit the author for it. I
forwareded this idea to Allard Höfelt for "homer v3").
Mr Temba,
I too reviewed the 'Cromwell' scenario, and agree with many of your points - and specifically noted in my own review;
1) Sound set up - although seems to default to C:\Mps\Civ2\Scenarios, which doesn't work if you play your games from the C:\Unzipped folder.
3) Agreed - strong theming is a 'big plus'.
5) Yes - the navy blue is too dark and leads to confusion between fortified and active units in particular.
10) I was surprised that there are quite a few recycled graphics in light of the high quality of original ones in this scenario.
On technologies - a significant flaw I think is the omission of 'ceremonial burial' and 'monotheism', that means that several happiness improvements are ineffective. This was my major issue with 'General Care'. Other things such as three-quarters of the 'pedia being in German (easily fixed, notably the redundant three-quarters), and no text file for new cities are other minor technical concerns.
I scored the scenario highly despite these matters, as I thought it (again) captured the historical mood well, contained some good artwork, and played very well for a straight-forward conquest game. It wasn't terribly complex in design (no trade routes, no government switching, no tech' tree to speak of) but it isn't supposed to be trying to be complex - it's a battle, where combat tactics is the matter at hand.
I am glad this thread exists, because otherwise I wouldn't have found out about Cromwell. Where can I download it? Is it any good? BTW Temba, I never said we don't waste time here at SL. I said we are more serious about wasting time! So where is that Cromwell scenario?
Well, since we're discussing the Cromwell scenario, I should point out that Cam's review is now posted. OK, so we're a little bit behind on converting the reviews (since Thomas seems to have vanished on us), but we're catching up! Honest!
Did anyone try Exodus: 1947? I was having a great time as the Israelis until I saw "Sneak attack by English forces!" That pretty much wrecked it for me