The original Broken Kingdom thread, with attachment. It wasn't terribly popular, which, given the sheer number of scenarios out there, doesn't really surprise me in retrospect. I'd planned to wait until I got more feedback before making the next version, but it looks like more feedback ain't gonna happen until I make a "next version," if at all, so...vicious circle.
This is my shout-out: what needs to be done to make the scenario better? So far I've got, mostly on my own observations:
*Alter tech tree modifiers to make it AI-friendly.
*End diplomacy, which in context makes no sense, even if it is an engaging gameplay element.
*Reveal the map completely to all players (thanks, Kobra!).
*More units might be nice, though they aren't a big priority.
*Unfortunately, I can't do sounds since my computer is mute. But I know those would be a plus too.
What else does the scenario need? Or, if you don't want to comment/don't have time to test, how do I give it more exposure?