This thread is for the Test of Time version of Bitterfrost.
The story background and MGE version is available here:
Bitterfrost MGE thread...
I am busy manually converting units and essential files to ToT format, and have decided to make a development thread.
My quest:
I am looking for some pointers on what extra stuff to put into the ToT version.
I have 17 spare unit slots, a ton of events space and also the potential for multi map mayhem too.
Not to mention the funky 24-bit graphics of ToT...
My plea for help:
Would a brave warrior be up for helping me do the technical aspects of a multi-map set?
I can make the maps, but I need a co-worker to make the relations between them...
So if you can, please post your feedback/suggestions/ideas here and help me make a definitive fantasy scenario for ToT!