Originally posted by techumseh
Not so. After the original breakthrough, the 2 main French Imperial armies were surrounded and surrendered. Then the Napoleon III's 2nd Empire was overthrown and replaced by the 3rd Republic. A huge siege of Paris then took place, with continuing operations involving the new republican armies, plus extensive guerilla warfare in eastern France. When the republic agreed to peace terms with Gemany, a communist revolt took place in Paris (the Paris Commune). This was bloodily put down by French troops, while the Germans watched. Then the German Empire was proclaimed at Versailles. Not quite so simple.
Not so. After the original breakthrough, the 2 main French Imperial armies were surrounded and surrendered. Then the Napoleon III's 2nd Empire was overthrown and replaced by the 3rd Republic. A huge siege of Paris then took place, with continuing operations involving the new republican armies, plus extensive guerilla warfare in eastern France. When the republic agreed to peace terms with Gemany, a communist revolt took place in Paris (the Paris Commune). This was bloodily put down by French troops, while the Germans watched. Then the German Empire was proclaimed at Versailles. Not quite so simple.

Wasn't Napoleon captured prisoner after Paris fell?