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"World War II - Under Construction"

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  • #16

    I only just got back from holiday!

    Time to get back to work!
    I'll get on this ASAP!


    • #17
      Originally posted by curtsibling

      I only just got back from holiday!

      Time to get back to work!
      I'll get on this ASAP!

      Hope your holidays were nice!
      Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


      • #18
        Okay, I guess everybody forgot about this. But now the 3 months of work are over (and soon I´ll go studying "Germanistik" in Düsseldorf) - so I got some time again.

        And there still is the idea of creating the "perfect" scenario.

        Yet I have placed some citys and I really think I have a nice relation for the terrain stats, which do prevent of some "Superterrains" and a rest of useless ones.

        But first I need the rules which I can take after they are completed to add the terrain stats.

        What we need first is:

        - A set of terrain and city graphics

        - A list of units

        - A list of wonders

        I am looking forward to your suggestions.

        Bye, Cifer
        Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


        • #19
          I'll get working on a city gif file for you!


          • #20
            I suppose that you will be using railroads as suburbs in the game...

            What i did in a mod i'm working on (for myself mostly, in my SA map) is create an 'urban' terrain type (replacing Glacier) with movecost 0, +100% base defense, and that produces 3 shields and 3 trade.... plus, it can be 'mined' (industry) for an extra 4/5 shields...

            This, in most ways, mirrors the using of railways for the same purpose, prevents suburbs from being pillageable, and frees up the railroads for the MINES.

            The mines, although not very widespread (in my mod at lest) boost the shield production of key places (copper mines in chile, etc.) by 50%, besides from providing a nice mine graphic over them... plus, because there aren't adjacent specials, the 'railway' mine doesn't boost movement...
            Indifference is Bliss


            • #21
              What i did in a mod i'm working on (for myself mostly, in my SA map) is create an 'urban' terrain type (replacing Glacier) with movecost 0, +100% base defense, and that produces 3 shields and 3 trade.... plus, it can be 'mined' (industry) for an extra 4/5 shields...

              This, in most ways, mirrors the using of railways for the same purpose, prevents suburbs from being pillageable, and frees up the railroads for the MINES.
              That's a good idea, N35t0r, I'll remember it for (hypothetic ) future scenarios
              "Son españoles... los que no pueden ser otra cosa" (Cánovas del Castillo)
              "España es un problema, Europa su solución" (Ortega y Gasset)
              The Spanish Civilization Site
              "Déjate llevar por la complejidad y cabalga sobre ella" - Niessuh, sabio cívico


              • #22
                Originally posted by curtsibling
                I'll get working on a city gif file for you!
                Thanks a lot! But still i´d prefer to call it our project!!!
                I will always depend on a lot of help, cause i will never ever be able to create a complete rules file on my own - as well as I won´t ever know all the tricks you have to know for creating a cool scenario.

                But therefore I got a lot of nice ideas!!!

                @N35t0r: Thanks for your ideas - I will think about it. Though I thought of not using RRs in the scen apart from the Transsibirian RR (You know what I mean).

                Thanks guys.
                Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                • #23
                  I suggest we use the Gothmog principle in the rules...

                  In which we create a twice and first removed techs and then allocate various stand-alone tech-trees to all civs...

                  Best thing to do is have a look at this...

                  It's the tech layout for the Dictator scenario.
                  Notice how all civ's unique techs stem from the 'PT' tech.

                  which in turn stems from the 'Plu' tech.

                  Gothmog's brilliant system makes sure all civs can have their own tech trees.

                  Even better, improvements can become unique to a civ if it they are derived from a unique tech!

                  I suggest we look at this system and edit it to our needs...

                  What remains is to decide what techs we want for each civ...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Cifer Almasy

                    @N35t0r: Thanks for your ideas - I will think about it. Though I thought of not using RRs in the scen apart from the Transsibirian RR (You know what I mean).

                    Thanks guys.
                    You could use the railways for the TSR AND for mines: as long as you keep the 'mines' not adjacent to a city or airbase, they will use the graphic of the RR with no connections to ther tiles, which wouldn't appear in the TSR unless it is pillaged...
                    Indifference is Bliss


                    • #25
                      Hey Curt,

                      this system looks as if there could be the chance that even I could somehow understand the meaning behind the codes...

                      I will make a unit list now:

                      Third Reich:
                      -Pre War Wehrmacht
                      Wehrmacht etc... (There should be a possibility of constantely improving your army)
                      - SS Units
                      - SA Units (?)

                      - Several Tanks (You now better then me about all the pzkw´s)

                      And of course Artillery

                      and ehm... Armoured cars
                      as you can see, i dont know too much. I want the historically accurate units.
                      And whats the most important thing for me is: That you have to fight balanced.
                      In the first instance this scenario should be a MP scenario (cause the AI always is too stupid) for a Demogame project in the future (I will tell you later about it) - later on we could create a SP version for a special civ (with AI events which make life harder for the human player).
                      About balanced fighting:
                      I want it to be necessary that you have to combine your arms: Tanks - Infantry - Air Units

                      Any suggestions?
                      Yet I thought about some old ideas (Inf ignores Citywalls so you need Inf to fight inside citys while tanks are better for the outer battlefields - Inf have more HP and less Firepower while its the other way around with tanks).
                      You need Artillery for cracking some bunkers. (So perhaps artys get more fp than Tanks)... Oh guys I dont know. Whats realistic?
                      I want realsim in this scenario.

                      Is there any way to make some ground units beeing better for fighting against Unit A and another better fighting against Unit B?

                      If you got some ideas, then please tell me!

                      Bye, Cifer
                      Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                      • #26
                        I suggest we recycle some of these units for this one. Theyare from part 3 of my upcoming scenario ´Götterdämmerung. The Downfall of the Third Reich´ will be released soon ......
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Heres an idea for the infantry that may prove useful if you want to simulate the "upgrading" of infantry from one period to the next (with new tactics weapons etc, with stats to represent this).

                          Using a batch file, you could change the infantry stats and pics from season to season, making the infantry unit also have a new preq so that these new tactics and weapons would have to be researched.

                          This way it would simulate the fact that no country has the means to produce countless infantry (half the time infantry would be un buildable) and also means that infantry could remain a viable and usable weapon throughout the game, as they would upgrade along with thier metallic counterparts.

                          Long time no see curt!
                          Religion is the opiut of the people

                          Also known as The Limey on Civfan


                          • #28
                            If I understand you correctly, these are good ideas!
                            Not beeing able to always produce soldiers would be a good thing.
                            Otherwise you could make for example German Units more expensive then Russian ones (cause they have a larger population).

                            Jimmy and me decided to have stackable terrain.

                            What exactly is the function of armoured cars and mobile Infantry? I mean in comparism with Tanks and Infantry?
                            Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                            • #29
                              I always did not want to use Urban terrain- but now I played Paps 2194 days of war again and I really like the urbans...

                              Jim, we should perhaps think of the techtree per email. Cause in German I can explaijn better what I want.
                              Deutscher Meister 2004: WERDER BREMEN


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Cifer Almasy
                                What exactly is the function of armoured cars and mobile Infantry? I mean in comparism with Tanks and Infantry?

                                Armoured cars were not used during WW2 in any other role apart from reconaissance(sp?). Sometimes as suppport in infantry battles.

                                The concept of Mobile infantry was first introduced by Heinz Guderian in his "Achtung Panzer". His new all-tank units moved at a speed that foot infantry and horse drawn artilery could not keep pace with. So idea was that motor vehicles should be assigned for infantry transportation so they can move at comparable speeds with the tanks.
                                That means that only difference between "mobile infantry" and "infantry" is their speed.
                                "Military training has three purposes: 1)To save ourselves from becoming subjects to others, 2)to win for our own city a possition of leadership, exercised for the benefit of others and 3)to exercise the rule of a master over those who deserve to be treated as slaves."-Aristotle, The Politics, Book VII

                                All those who want to die, follow me!
                                Last words of Emperor Constantine XII Palaiologos, before charging the Turkish hordes, on the 29th of May 1453AD.

