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  • Malmalukes

    Why the hell are they Shiite religon!?

    There isnt a Shiite province in there empire. Yet that is the Government Religon!

    Its all Coptic Christian or Sunni, oh and Lebanon is catholic. I find it impossible to play as them!

    How do you convert a provinces religon

  • #2
    Yet that is the Government Religon!

    The Visigothic and Ostrogothic governments were Arian Catholics; all of their provinces were Roman Catholics.

    Its all Coptic Christian or Sunni, oh and Lebanon is catholic. I find it impossible to play as them!

    If revolts are troubling you, set the tolerance for Shiites to 0. Click on the large shield at the top of the toolbar and then on the religion shield in the right half of the bar that pops up. Drag the sliders to set the tolerance; double-click to lock one in place.
    Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


    • #3
      Hah leo you genius!

      All this time I had the Shiite tolerance on 100%, when there were no Shiite provinces

      Now, to turn my attention to those pesky turks

      Thanks man!


      • #4
        And, if you DO wanna convert a province, set your tolerance for their religion to zero, let them rebel until that province is below 5,000 in population, and send in a colonist...poof. Change of faith!

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