Yes annex sibir! Russia is the easiest country to play, your infantry costs next to nothing, your economy is strong, especially after you take the Khanates. Revolts shouldn't be a real problem beofre the time of toubles (which can be quite nasty, espeically if most of Europe is Russian
Unifying Germany isn't really that hard ethie, don't take on Saxony right away (they have a better army than you) , wait until Poland gets into a nasty war and then stab them in the back taking Danzig and Western Prussia, then You can Vasilise Prussia which will give you two more provinces when you annex them (although you might want to just keep them as vassals), then look north (I assume you are playing the IGC), Pormmenia and the Hansa are good targets. Having gobbled up this little lot you should be well placed to take over the rest in whatever order you like.
Its also a good idea to ally with Hessen, The Palainat and Hannover early on (they all like you so it shouldn't be hard) they are good for the inevitable wars with Poland and will happily send troops to die for you
Unifying Germany isn't really that hard ethie, don't take on Saxony right away (they have a better army than you) , wait until Poland gets into a nasty war and then stab them in the back taking Danzig and Western Prussia, then You can Vasilise Prussia which will give you two more provinces when you annex them (although you might want to just keep them as vassals), then look north (I assume you are playing the IGC), Pormmenia and the Hansa are good targets. Having gobbled up this little lot you should be well placed to take over the rest in whatever order you like.
Its also a good idea to ally with Hessen, The Palainat and Hannover early on (they all like you so it shouldn't be hard) they are good for the inevitable wars with Poland and will happily send troops to die for you