A couple of little tips for the crap England player 
1) At the start get out of your allaince with Spain ASAP
2) make an allaince with the following (in this order) Lorraine, The Palinat (sp), Hesse and Hannover. Give them money do whatever it takes to get allied with these people. They will give you the power you need to beat France and Spain on any level (I am now playing at maximum AI agressivness), don't put troops in Calis.
3) When France declears war in 1494-1498 they will head straight for Lorraine so send your army over to northern France under Norfolk and take some provinces, although you should make that your army has plenty of cannon and is about 25 in total size (10/10/5 would be a good size), steal everything in sight, when the French start to beat the Germans (under no circumstances allow them to annex Lorraine) agree peace, at this stage I try to extract some money but if you feel very confident get Picardie or normandy. Now this war tends to drag on a bit and maintaining naval superiority is very imporatnt so when Cabot comes along put him at the head of the navy, exploration can wait, try to patrol the waters around England and Ireland and pray that France or her allies are too busy in Germany to bother invading.
4) The French are likely to declare war again within 5-10 years so be ready, fortify England (make sure there are no unfortified provinces) and Ulster, also build the army back up to strength. When they do declare war send the army to France (personal I like to go to the South but the North works good as well) and take whatever you can agree peace take a province or 3 and make sure its all finished by the time the Gemrans have been slapped down.
5) The most important thing is to keep this allaince togerther, with you can defeat the French and Spanish whenever they declare war and usually walk away with some new provinces

1) At the start get out of your allaince with Spain ASAP
2) make an allaince with the following (in this order) Lorraine, The Palinat (sp), Hesse and Hannover. Give them money do whatever it takes to get allied with these people. They will give you the power you need to beat France and Spain on any level (I am now playing at maximum AI agressivness), don't put troops in Calis.
3) When France declears war in 1494-1498 they will head straight for Lorraine so send your army over to northern France under Norfolk and take some provinces, although you should make that your army has plenty of cannon and is about 25 in total size (10/10/5 would be a good size), steal everything in sight, when the French start to beat the Germans (under no circumstances allow them to annex Lorraine) agree peace, at this stage I try to extract some money but if you feel very confident get Picardie or normandy. Now this war tends to drag on a bit and maintaining naval superiority is very imporatnt so when Cabot comes along put him at the head of the navy, exploration can wait, try to patrol the waters around England and Ireland and pray that France or her allies are too busy in Germany to bother invading.
4) The French are likely to declare war again within 5-10 years so be ready, fortify England (make sure there are no unfortified provinces) and Ulster, also build the army back up to strength. When they do declare war send the army to France (personal I like to go to the South but the North works good as well) and take whatever you can agree peace take a province or 3 and make sure its all finished by the time the Gemrans have been slapped down.
5) The most important thing is to keep this allaince togerther, with you can defeat the French and Spanish whenever they declare war and usually walk away with some new provinces
