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Europa Universalis, best game since Civ

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  • #91
    Unfortunately the major magazine reviews were disappointing, anticipated demand was low and major shop chains did not have it on their lists. I recommend in the uk if you want to buy. They had copies shipping before the original release date and are likely to be stocking it as long as demand remains. The shipping rates are reasonable and delivery was prompt.
    To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


    • #92
      There's a closer parallel to Civ2 than one would think. I've only played a couple of games of Civ2 on a random map because SCENARIOS is where the fun of Civ2 has been for a long time. I'm sticking with EU because I know there will be very good scenarios (hopefully an Age of Piracy one) to play, long after people tire of the GC (which is probably soon).


      • #93

        Originally posted by Seneca on 03-08-2001 12:26 AM
        Virgin, as in records, games, airlines...
        Also applicable to jokes virgin' on the pathetic...

        Virgin records? You must mean Charlotte Church, she'd the only virgin I know of in the recording industry.

        Virgin airlines? Oh man, am I too old to become a steward?

        Virgin games? Which ones would they be? Chutes and Ladders? Parchesi?

        "I say shoot'em all and let God sort it out in the end!


        • #94
          Judging by this thread EU must be a way kool game. I had been thinking of trying the Japanese one next but I'll go for this instead, I think. Hope my machine copes.


          • #95
            Civ II random map generator is very weak, not as good as in the original Civ.

            Europa Universalis has an IGC (Improved Grand Campaign) scenario that can be downloaded from the Paradox site. This would help those who want to play "minor" countries.

