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Europa Universalis, best game since Civ

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  • #31
    DOHHH!!!! Est. delivery time from Germany: 2-6 weeks

    Ok, I'll have to play CTP2 for a wee while longer then

    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be
    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be


    • #32
      Just started playing patch 1.07b, and there is big improvements. Powermongers are now more efectivly ganeged up upon by the other powers, which is historically correct.
      As im playing the peaceful portugal, this serves me very well indeed.
      The fun thing about this game is that I sponsorded sweden with some cash and now they have 5 trade stations in the north america, and it´s just 1550 If I can I gonna help them to beat denmark later on, hehe...


      • #33
        EBWorld is showing a ship data of 2/21 for Europa. I've been checking there every few days for a listing on this game, this is the first time I've seen it listed. So the countodwn begins...



        • #34
          Ah, my suspicions are confirmed! The US version will have 11 scenarios out of the box. The ones from the Swedish/German versions and 3 new ones. Of course, you are free to DL them .

          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


          • #35
            You go Imran!

            Surely though our European brothers shall think this is simply more of the International Conspiracy to keep them under the thumb of the US Military-Industrial Complex! I have put in my advance order through EB.

            Rio ~/|\~
            Rio ~/|\~


            • #36
              its good to see eu has made it to apolyton because in my civ opinion this game is as ground breaking in the game world as civ was 10 years ago. apolyton needs to cover this game because its going to be a huge hit with civ players, hey mark can you make a forum for just europa universalis? i abandoned apolyton a month ago just because it doesnt cover this game, apolyton does a good job of covering civ games so maybe they could cover eu too.


              • #37
                I'm going out to buy it today, I'll post a mini review on sunday night after about 18 hours of hard core playing


                • #38

                  Originally posted by Rio on 02-03-2001 06:38 AM
                  I have put in my advance order through EB.



                  • #39
                    Software ETC guy says there company says they have it but he said I have to pay extra to get them to ship it early or something. LOL EB didn't have it, but that was stated earlier. Wacked up stuff plus...

                    ... It's weird because I have never seen a game reviewed by PCGamer that wasn't out yet

                    so disappointed

                    PCGamer(US) gave it an 80%, but it says its a magnificent strategy game

                    I did go buy the Alpha Centauri book, it's pretty good so far a lot like reading the Spartan Chronicles but it cost me 5 bucks.
                    [This message has been edited by Par4 (edited February 03, 2001).]


                    • #40
                      I also have put a pre-order on it .

                      And I was mistaken.. there are 4 (FOUR) new scenarios: The Age of Revolution and the War for Independence are 2 seperate scenarios!
                      “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
                      - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


                      • #41
                        There is also the forum in french on
                        The EU french forum is here:

                        Already 850 messages posted.

                        EU is the greatest strategy game I never played.


                        Tous les meilleurs jeux sont sur
                        Tous les meilleurs jeux sont sur


                        • #42
                          French forum ? Why anyone would like to speak french is beyond me
                          Well, the french are abbout to be conquered by portugal I´t has taken quite some time, but now im ready


                          • #43
                            I wonder if Europa Universalis could get it's own forum here on Apolyton? There seems to be a lot of people interested in it here. I mean if Dinosaurs can get a forum why not this game. It could go in the Alternative Civs / Other Games section.
                            Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh


                            • #44
                              I think it's inevitable to have it's own forum like CTP1 and 2 and all the Civ variants. The game is to be released in the US on Feb 21st so look for a flood of posts in similar EU threads in this forum to appear in March-April. I would expect by summer the number of posts would reach some critical threshold where it merits its own forum and page.

                              BTW, the game from what I understand is very modifiable and actually consists of text files for most of the changes. Some things can't be changed as they are part of the game engine, as expected.

                              There is also some discussion of utilities for people to write to support editing features of the game without going into the text files to make changes. And that of course would invite a lot of users to customize their game like in Civ 2.

                              The game is bound to be a big draw and I think, a welcome addition as a forum here once enough folks have their hands on it.

                              'Blood will run'
                              'Blood will run'


                              • #45
                                Mostly everything (countries and such) are editable through the textfiles, even save games since they are saved as scenarios.
                                I have been through the save games a couple of times, and although they are big it is quite easy to understand, alot easier than certain things in CTP for example.
                                Don´t know about a utility, there is a discussion on it but noone has really take responsibility for it... yet.
                                But it should have it´s own section, of course.

