After quite some time I dug out Doomsday two weeks ago just to fool a bit around before I get hold on EU3.
I decided to play a smaller European country close enough to the fray, but with all options (axis, allies, commie) and not too many breaking events. So I chose Romania.
The first two years I spent my IC healing up and upgrading my army. I focussed on infantry, mountaineers and cavalry. Tactical bombers as air force. No naval ambitions, since locked into that bathing tub called Black Sea. As brigades I chose artillery (an obvious choice), AT guns (not having tanks of my own) and AA guns (since no fighter screen). That cut the tree quite a bit so I could follow it even with my measly 2 tech teams.
During this first time I tried not to piss off anyone. All three (Germany, allies, SU) tried to influence me, which I took as a good sign. Poland too, which I found entertaining. I didn't lose money on diplomacy, just used it for counter espionage. I moved a bit toward Autocracy to be able to start a war.
I decided to go after Hungary right after Germany nabbed Austria and hence one of her guarantors was gone. The other was Italy, but I thought what the hell, I risk a war with them. So I attacked Hungary with some 20-25 divisions. They were a tough adversary for my weak army, lots of rivers there to help them too, but finally I bested them. Italy was pissed, stopped trading and shortly before Hungary fell DOWed me, as expected.
There I was, pacifying rioting Magyars (well, not really) and with a spaghetti war, in which none of its sides fired a single shot. So I thought, but others decided to join the fray. Germany (who obviously saw me as zone of influence) declared war on Italy and greyed the "boot" southward with breathtaking performance. Poland joined in on Germany's side and even got into the axis (!) for it. Turkey joined too, again on my side. I tried to get a white peace with Italy, but they refused twice. After the boot was completely grey, they offered it themselves and I agreed. So I was officially out of the war.
Germany decided not to jump Sicily and North Africa. A huge army and nothing to do, they thought, took Bulgaria into the axis and ate Yugoslavia (Germany) and Greece (Bulgaria), again with breathtaking speed. I was quite uncomfortable being sandwiched ("Polanded") between the axis and the SU, but so far I retained good relations with both.
Now it became interesting. After Germany stomped over Yugoslavia, they got DOWed by the Soviet Union and shortly after that, by the allies too. The allies didn't advance at all. At the Westwall/Maginot line there was a stalemate, and from Italy Germany even advanced 2 provinces into Southern France. But the big red bear came from the east, ate Poland for breakfast (which were axis, remember?) and Germany for lunch. Eventually Germany was reduced to the 3 Westwall provinces and helt them for quite some time.
Meanwhile in the south, France and Britain advanced into occupied Italy, Austria and Yugoslavia. That was a big red "now or never" for me. I hastily joined the allies and took Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and northern Greece almost without resistance. Even Istanbul, which the Bulgarians took (I'm not really sure when Turkey joined in). The only tough nut was Belgrade, which was defended by a German panzer corps (I have no tanks as you know), but I eventually overwhelmed it with sheer numbers. France got Austria, Croatia (which they recreated), Bosnia, Slovenia and the Italian Alps. Southern Italy was annexed by Britain, who must have succeeded to land there from sea. Most to my annoyance, Italy took southern Greece (still being at war with Bulgaria as Germany's ally), but I let them have it.
Finally, since Italy failed to do it, I put Albania out of its misery. France was a bit miffed and cut a trade (which hurt a bit), but Britain was a good ally and even helped to bomb the mighty militia division, which was Albanias only defense. After a few days it was over. It net me the nice Mediterranian harbor of Tirana, which saved me the resources to build one (Athens is Italian). This was my last evil deed in this game. From now on I did everything to become a Saint.
Mid 1939, Germany was gone. Benelux and Czechoslovakia survived. SU annexed Germany and recreated Poland, but not GDR or FRG. The axis was thus out of the game and the allies were slightly in the lead point-wise (about 350 - 300). There was still the red bear sitting to my east and eyeing Moldova, and I relied on allied help. I decided to decline, should they demand it. I wasn't sure if I'd survive this (considering how they stomped over Germany). I had concentrated 2/3 of my mighty forces in Moldova, hoping to hold them for a bit until allied help arrives (ummm, if ever). I didn't waste IC on land fortifications, though. But up to date (1944), the event didn't trigger. Unlike the Constanta event, which made out of my level 3 harbor there 2 crappy level 1 ones. But oh well, all I have in the Black Sea is 1 measly sub, so what the hell.
For over 3 years, nothing happened. I contained the unrest (was 8-9%), researched (3 tech teams now) and built up and upgraded my forces. 36 infantry divisions, all with brigades. About 15 garrison divisions. 6 mountain divisions and 6 half-motorized cavalries, ditto. Four He-111 tactical bomber units, partly with escort fighters. Some older units, which I kept for nostalgic reasons, so my fearsome level 1 light armored division, which I started with and use for parades
1942, Japan DOWed the USA, Holland and Great Britain. The SU DOWed Japan and satellites shortly after. The war in Indochina and the Pacific begun. Not my business? Wrong! I'm an ally now and as such, exist to fight teh evil in the world! I hastily built 3 transport vessels, which screened by my mighty WWI destroyer were able to shuttle expeditionary forces to Siam and Burma. Not in one piece, however, I have to stop in Karachi. Right now I'm there with 6 mountain divisions, 3 cavalries and my whole air force and I plan to ship over all I can spare from my Moldavian wall, even my pride, the HQ manned by my only field marshal Somethingescu. It was ****ing expensive, I tell ya, but there was nothing else to build (I have to keep a look on supplies and manpower) and it's certainly of use.
This is where the game is now, spring 1944. I hope I was of use for my allies. The war is still ongoing, slowly as all there's either mountains or jungle. The game is now, who (Allies or Comintern) grab more victory points. As stated above, we're slightly in the lead.
I'm not sure if I continue the game soon, having EU3 now, but so far I was having a blast. Sorry for poor quality, no screenshots and all, it's not meant to be a full fledged AAR. It was just so much fun of a game, that I had to share it.
I decided to play a smaller European country close enough to the fray, but with all options (axis, allies, commie) and not too many breaking events. So I chose Romania.
The first two years I spent my IC healing up and upgrading my army. I focussed on infantry, mountaineers and cavalry. Tactical bombers as air force. No naval ambitions, since locked into that bathing tub called Black Sea. As brigades I chose artillery (an obvious choice), AT guns (not having tanks of my own) and AA guns (since no fighter screen). That cut the tree quite a bit so I could follow it even with my measly 2 tech teams.
During this first time I tried not to piss off anyone. All three (Germany, allies, SU) tried to influence me, which I took as a good sign. Poland too, which I found entertaining. I didn't lose money on diplomacy, just used it for counter espionage. I moved a bit toward Autocracy to be able to start a war.
I decided to go after Hungary right after Germany nabbed Austria and hence one of her guarantors was gone. The other was Italy, but I thought what the hell, I risk a war with them. So I attacked Hungary with some 20-25 divisions. They were a tough adversary for my weak army, lots of rivers there to help them too, but finally I bested them. Italy was pissed, stopped trading and shortly before Hungary fell DOWed me, as expected.
There I was, pacifying rioting Magyars (well, not really) and with a spaghetti war, in which none of its sides fired a single shot. So I thought, but others decided to join the fray. Germany (who obviously saw me as zone of influence) declared war on Italy and greyed the "boot" southward with breathtaking performance. Poland joined in on Germany's side and even got into the axis (!) for it. Turkey joined too, again on my side. I tried to get a white peace with Italy, but they refused twice. After the boot was completely grey, they offered it themselves and I agreed. So I was officially out of the war.
Germany decided not to jump Sicily and North Africa. A huge army and nothing to do, they thought, took Bulgaria into the axis and ate Yugoslavia (Germany) and Greece (Bulgaria), again with breathtaking speed. I was quite uncomfortable being sandwiched ("Polanded") between the axis and the SU, but so far I retained good relations with both.
Now it became interesting. After Germany stomped over Yugoslavia, they got DOWed by the Soviet Union and shortly after that, by the allies too. The allies didn't advance at all. At the Westwall/Maginot line there was a stalemate, and from Italy Germany even advanced 2 provinces into Southern France. But the big red bear came from the east, ate Poland for breakfast (which were axis, remember?) and Germany for lunch. Eventually Germany was reduced to the 3 Westwall provinces and helt them for quite some time.
Meanwhile in the south, France and Britain advanced into occupied Italy, Austria and Yugoslavia. That was a big red "now or never" for me. I hastily joined the allies and took Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria and northern Greece almost without resistance. Even Istanbul, which the Bulgarians took (I'm not really sure when Turkey joined in). The only tough nut was Belgrade, which was defended by a German panzer corps (I have no tanks as you know), but I eventually overwhelmed it with sheer numbers. France got Austria, Croatia (which they recreated), Bosnia, Slovenia and the Italian Alps. Southern Italy was annexed by Britain, who must have succeeded to land there from sea. Most to my annoyance, Italy took southern Greece (still being at war with Bulgaria as Germany's ally), but I let them have it.
Finally, since Italy failed to do it, I put Albania out of its misery. France was a bit miffed and cut a trade (which hurt a bit), but Britain was a good ally and even helped to bomb the mighty militia division, which was Albanias only defense. After a few days it was over. It net me the nice Mediterranian harbor of Tirana, which saved me the resources to build one (Athens is Italian). This was my last evil deed in this game. From now on I did everything to become a Saint.
Mid 1939, Germany was gone. Benelux and Czechoslovakia survived. SU annexed Germany and recreated Poland, but not GDR or FRG. The axis was thus out of the game and the allies were slightly in the lead point-wise (about 350 - 300). There was still the red bear sitting to my east and eyeing Moldova, and I relied on allied help. I decided to decline, should they demand it. I wasn't sure if I'd survive this (considering how they stomped over Germany). I had concentrated 2/3 of my mighty forces in Moldova, hoping to hold them for a bit until allied help arrives (ummm, if ever). I didn't waste IC on land fortifications, though. But up to date (1944), the event didn't trigger. Unlike the Constanta event, which made out of my level 3 harbor there 2 crappy level 1 ones. But oh well, all I have in the Black Sea is 1 measly sub, so what the hell.
For over 3 years, nothing happened. I contained the unrest (was 8-9%), researched (3 tech teams now) and built up and upgraded my forces. 36 infantry divisions, all with brigades. About 15 garrison divisions. 6 mountain divisions and 6 half-motorized cavalries, ditto. Four He-111 tactical bomber units, partly with escort fighters. Some older units, which I kept for nostalgic reasons, so my fearsome level 1 light armored division, which I started with and use for parades

1942, Japan DOWed the USA, Holland and Great Britain. The SU DOWed Japan and satellites shortly after. The war in Indochina and the Pacific begun. Not my business? Wrong! I'm an ally now and as such, exist to fight teh evil in the world! I hastily built 3 transport vessels, which screened by my mighty WWI destroyer were able to shuttle expeditionary forces to Siam and Burma. Not in one piece, however, I have to stop in Karachi. Right now I'm there with 6 mountain divisions, 3 cavalries and my whole air force and I plan to ship over all I can spare from my Moldavian wall, even my pride, the HQ manned by my only field marshal Somethingescu. It was ****ing expensive, I tell ya, but there was nothing else to build (I have to keep a look on supplies and manpower) and it's certainly of use.
This is where the game is now, spring 1944. I hope I was of use for my allies. The war is still ongoing, slowly as all there's either mountains or jungle. The game is now, who (Allies or Comintern) grab more victory points. As stated above, we're slightly in the lead.
I'm not sure if I continue the game soon, having EU3 now, but so far I was having a blast. Sorry for poor quality, no screenshots and all, it's not meant to be a full fledged AAR. It was just so much fun of a game, that I had to share it.