OK, so with EU3 coming out next month I've decided to give EU2 one last run and since I've played just about every other nation on the planet I thought I'd give Ethiopia a chance. It's not suicidal like playing the Inca or an African pagan (though this can successfully be played by agreeing to convert as part of a peace deal) and in some ways it is even more difficult then trying to be the world's only Hindu state attempting liberate India from the muslims. The reason is although the Hindu kingdom starts with just one rather poor provence it is surrounded by many rich provences (including two CoTs) which share your religion and culture. Ethiopia, however, is one of the poorest, most backwards, and most isolated Kingdoms on Earth at this time so it represents a greater challenge.
So the ground rules... The game will be set to very hard, no cheating (though this report will be story based so I may have to add in one event just to make the game reflect the story and the reality of the game), no exploits, no loan sharking, and no multiple bankruptcies. If ethiopia can manage a top 10 finish then I will have done truly well. Especially since Ethiopia's starting known map is one of the worst in the game and it is surrounded by enemies who hate her fro being orthodxed Christian. So without further ado... We shall start the game.
Ethiopia and the known world in 1419. As you can see Ethipia makes up 7 rather poor provences at the horn of Africa and the population is pitiful. The known world consists of Nubia (who is equally poor but at least Orthodoxed Christian, a small part of Egypt, and a few highly hostil uncolonized lands. I will do my damnedest to make sure no one else colonizes those lands; the must be ethnic ethiopian if ethiopia is to succeed. That may take over a century or two to accomplish though.
So the ground rules... The game will be set to very hard, no cheating (though this report will be story based so I may have to add in one event just to make the game reflect the story and the reality of the game), no exploits, no loan sharking, and no multiple bankruptcies. If ethiopia can manage a top 10 finish then I will have done truly well. Especially since Ethiopia's starting known map is one of the worst in the game and it is surrounded by enemies who hate her fro being orthodxed Christian. So without further ado... We shall start the game.
Ethiopia and the known world in 1419. As you can see Ethipia makes up 7 rather poor provences at the horn of Africa and the population is pitiful. The known world consists of Nubia (who is equally poor but at least Orthodoxed Christian, a small part of Egypt, and a few highly hostil uncolonized lands. I will do my damnedest to make sure no one else colonizes those lands; the must be ethnic ethiopian if ethiopia is to succeed. That may take over a century or two to accomplish though.
