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Whither Spain: Adventures

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  • Whither Spain: Adventures

    September 1795, Luzon

    Pedro Hernandez had grown up in Mexico, and spent part of his youth following his fathers business in central America, and yet he had found the heat of Luzon particularlly oppressive since hed arrive in June. Today however he found it worse than ever.

    "Say, Juan, is it hotter than usual today?"

    "No, Senor, its the coolest day in weeks, the summer heat is finally passing. why?"

    "Really? How do i look?

    the servant looked at Pedro, then quickly turned away.

    "Santa Maria, madre de dios ..."
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

  • #2
    October, 1795 Luzon

    He had only days left now. He knew it. But he found a strange sense of peace. The work he had been part of, for which he had left home and family, and for which, it was now clear, he was giving his life looked certain to be fulfilled. Unlike himself, most of the settlers had survived. The priests had established friendly contact with the natives. New ships were bringing more colonists, more trade goods, and more supplies. The colony at Luzon had reached the point of success, where it could no longer be reversed. Spain was now established firmly in the east Indies, at last, and had a base to complete the exploration of the South Seas.

    With that thought, Pedro Hernandez succombed to the fever and breathed his last.
    "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

