Update: I've realized that I need to give more time to people to join this game and that the 28th works better for a couple people, so rather than start with only 3-4 players I'm delaying the start of the game to May 28th
This will be a long term game, starting Saturday the 28th of May. Players of all skill levels are welcome! The point of the game will be to have fun and play Eu2 with fellow 'Polytubbies. If you haven't MP'd before, you are *most* welcome, however, please ICQ me so we can work out the technical details beforehand! (See setup instructions at the bottom of this post.)
You can get ICQ at ICQ.com or use the free Trillian client, which has no ads and can run all your instant messenger connections. Very easy to setup either way.
If you are unable to attend the weekly session for whatever reason, you may find a sub or have the AI play for you with reasonable repairs made afterwards.
Day / Time: Saturday, 14:00 GMT (09:00 EST, 07:00 MST, 06:00 PST)
To convert this to your time zone, use the Time Zone Converter.
Scenario: Ryoken's Balanced 1492 Scenario
Players & Countries:
Spain: available
France: available
England: 123John321
Austria: available
Ottoman Empire: Chegitz Guevara - ICQ: 432-356-86
Muscovy/Russia: Sandman
Portugal: Aeturneus - ICQ: 272-638-308
Poland: available
Venice: available
Sweden: available
Brandenburg: available
Rules: (somewhat debatable
No map trading with the AI
No galleys outside Europe
Maximum 3 provinces ceded in a peace deal
Maximum 2 points per alliance: Spain, Austria, France, England, OE, and Russia each count for 1 point, all other player countries count for half a point. This may be amended depending on turnout. No permanent alliances, please.
Keep chat civil, and remember, it's a game, with friends, for fun!
Please choose your country before Saturday morning. I am fine with people joining in at a later date, but I hope we can limit the amount of prep work to be done Saturday morning!
Setup Instructions
1 - Install patch 1.08 1.08 patch
2 - Download the latest beta patch 2 feb 2005 and unzip it to your Eu2 directory.
3 - Check your version code. It appears in the upper left corner of the main menu. It should be APR212005-(TZBV). If the last four letters (TZBV) are different, you need to do a clean install of Eu2 and start from step 1.
3 - If you have a router, you have to know which port you need to forward to your computer. ports 2300 to 2400 AND port 47624 . Find a friend to help you if you don't understand this sentence. Otherwise, you won't be able to play.
This will be a long term game, starting Saturday the 28th of May. Players of all skill levels are welcome! The point of the game will be to have fun and play Eu2 with fellow 'Polytubbies. If you haven't MP'd before, you are *most* welcome, however, please ICQ me so we can work out the technical details beforehand! (See setup instructions at the bottom of this post.)
You can get ICQ at ICQ.com or use the free Trillian client, which has no ads and can run all your instant messenger connections. Very easy to setup either way.
If you are unable to attend the weekly session for whatever reason, you may find a sub or have the AI play for you with reasonable repairs made afterwards.
Day / Time: Saturday, 14:00 GMT (09:00 EST, 07:00 MST, 06:00 PST)
To convert this to your time zone, use the Time Zone Converter.
Scenario: Ryoken's Balanced 1492 Scenario
Players & Countries:
Spain: available
France: available
England: 123John321
Austria: available
Ottoman Empire: Chegitz Guevara - ICQ: 432-356-86
Muscovy/Russia: Sandman
Portugal: Aeturneus - ICQ: 272-638-308
Poland: available
Venice: available
Sweden: available
Brandenburg: available
Rules: (somewhat debatable

No map trading with the AI
No galleys outside Europe
Maximum 3 provinces ceded in a peace deal
Maximum 2 points per alliance: Spain, Austria, France, England, OE, and Russia each count for 1 point, all other player countries count for half a point. This may be amended depending on turnout. No permanent alliances, please.
Keep chat civil, and remember, it's a game, with friends, for fun!
Please choose your country before Saturday morning. I am fine with people joining in at a later date, but I hope we can limit the amount of prep work to be done Saturday morning!
Setup Instructions
1 - Install patch 1.08 1.08 patch
2 - Download the latest beta patch 2 feb 2005 and unzip it to your Eu2 directory.
3 - Check your version code. It appears in the upper left corner of the main menu. It should be APR212005-(TZBV). If the last four letters (TZBV) are different, you need to do a clean install of Eu2 and start from step 1.
3 - If you have a router, you have to know which port you need to forward to your computer. ports 2300 to 2400 AND port 47624 . Find a friend to help you if you don't understand this sentence. Otherwise, you won't be able to play.