Don Enrique de la Frontera, (also called Don de la Frontera, or DDLF)(1) was Charles I's regent in Spain (although the lands of Aragon objected to sharing a regent with Castille, they had not rebelled since the ascent of Charles). While Charles' prolonged absence from the kingdom was a matter of some discontent, it was undoubtedly associated with Austrias many wars, and its growing power. (2) For Don Enrique, it was the chance to run the increasingly centralized Spanish state. But to what end? The Council of State was debating that, one chilly November day in 1540, at the palace in Toledo (not Madrid, please, Paradox)
More to come.
(1) Frontera = Frontier = March = Mark. Get it?
(2) Charles absence from Spain is historical, and this explains the game situation where you play as Spain but not Austria, even though you share a monarch.
More to come.
(1) Frontera = Frontier = March = Mark. Get it?

(2) Charles absence from Spain is historical, and this explains the game situation where you play as Spain but not Austria, even though you share a monarch.