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HOI 1.06b is out

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  • HOI 1.06b is out

    * Tweaks and bugfixes.

    - Made sure cheats are reset properly when starting a game, this eliminated the major cheat in MP.
    - Large airstacks now get severe penalties.
    - Fixed a problem with germany being able to build mechanised infantry in 1939.
    - Fixed a typo on Naval Defence.
    - There is now a trigger on the Albania event to only trigger if Italy is fascist.
    - Fixed a consistency logic error in the MR pact effects for Germany.
    - USSR now has proper warentry in 1941 and 1944.
    - Fixed some consistency problems with UK and CW techs between scenarios.
    - Fixed some inconsistencies in artillery tech setup in 1936.
    - Removed the force concentration doctrine from the sudetenland event.
    - The balkans pact was removed.
    - Changed the random chances and offsets in the english sphere.
    - Reduced the flakpower by 1/3rd.
    - No negative resource when u take a capital.
    - Corrected many spelling and text csv errors...
    - Changed aa effectiveness as to Mathguys proposal.
    - Fixed a graphic glitch with direction arrows (thanks to Xie)
    - Fixed the superior tactician spelling error.
    - Moved the province secession events for siam from the normal event to a separate ai event (better play for human siam players).
    - Updated 44 + 39 eugs for event history
    - Fixed various issues with the spheres (most importantly : they won´t happen if the attacked nation already is in an alliance)
    - Fixed a minor error in panzer txt (early tank mg used 10 supplies)
    - Added a not = war = GER/VIC trigger to the vichy puppetization event.
    - Detroit now has more ICs ..
    - SOV balance: Removed 17 ICs in 12 provinces (-> reduced expansion of USSR industry).
    - Added a few tech to italy in 36....
    - UK can no longer build mechanized units in 39
    - And loads more of tiny small script problems..

    * AI Improvements.
    - USSR much tougher to crack.
    - Gibraltar almost always garrisoned.
    - Fixed Japan/USSR war in 1945.
    - USSR more aggressive towards Finland.
    - Tweaked down USSR's aggressivity towards baltic states.
    - Chinese capital moves from Nanjin when there is a threat of being pocketed.
    - Soviets now start with the correct ai
    - And loads more AI script improvements by Tamerlan.

    now that I'm addicted to CORE, I'll wait for an update...

    I'm not fond of the air change, I've heard that more than 4 air-to-air combatatns per side get penalized.

  • #2
    I wonder if this will be HOI's last update. HOI2 is now on the horizon.

    Now I have to finish my current 1.06 game so I can apply the patch!

    But yeah the air penalty is probably necessary because the human player has a huge advantage with air units over the ai. The ai never really handled it's airforce correctly IMHO.
    signature not visible until patch comes out.


    • #3
      its an interesting choice, I'm not sure what the results will be.

      I guess my 12 tac bombers won't be able to dogfight nearly as well when necessary and I'll actually need groups of fighters to clear the province first.


      • #4
        I hear you.

        That's pretty much what I've been doing since I got the game but I'm just a nut like that though. I just can't bear to send in unescorted bombers when there are enemy fighters either in or adjacent to the target province.
        signature not visible until patch comes out.


        • #5
          The plane stack penalty seems just like a pretty good way to increase micromanagement to me..not fun.

          I haven't seen anything about the 1-unit d-days, the auto-dow for AI russia and germany, etc.


          • #6
            The micromanagement of the air war is what has always put me off playing. Now the nerf bat swings at the 1939 mech inf. You had to push fairly determinedly to be able to do it, and it was only worthwhile because they had made tanks so ridiculously expensive in prior updates.

            They seem determined to push and push so that on normal/normal you cannot do better as Germany 1936+ than the historical pattern, like the strategies employed were absolutely perfect. To me that is just infuriating. The 1939 scenario is there for people who don't want to start with any unusual force deployments or tech.
            To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.

