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And the blood flowed in rivers (EU II AAR)

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  • And the blood flowed in rivers (EU II AAR)

    And the blood flowed in rivers

    and for my own benefit, link to reposting thread on the Paradox forums since I'm too lazy to reorganize my bookmarks:

    screen shots will be posted here: Recently I've been wanting to write an AAR and I started up a couple games (one alternating between Algeria, the Caliphate and the Golden Horde and...

    Recently I've been wanting to write an AAR and I started up a couple games (one alternating between Algeria, the Caliphate and the Golden Horde and one as the Chinese were I tried to force everyone to by my vassals while not taking anyone's land) but lost interest fairly fast. Then I realized that what I really needed was to play a game where there was so much carnage that I couldn't possibly stop before the 400 years ran out. So I thought about how to create the bloodiest game possible and I've decided to play the excellent Independent Europe Scenario (every European province is a warmongering 1 province country) on Very Hard/Furious (most recent beta patch and IES v1.6 with 5 diplomats off, 0 manpower on and $1000 off) while alternating between countries in alphabetical order every ten years (so I should be able to play quite a few countries). My goal every time will be to annex as much territory as possible and damn the torpedoes (and the bad boy). I will cover the events in the country that I'm playing and in every country that I have played (if they still exist when I'm done with them).

    Chapter 1
    Adana - name derives from its mythical founder Adanus, son of Kronus
    January 1419-September 1420

    In the Independent Europe Scenario Adana starts with an effective monarch (Hamza I) and its back to the edge of civilization (in IES every province is an independent nation so the number of provinces occupied by a country is somewhat limited), giving it a measure of security, although I remained bordered by the nation of Taurus, Konya, Sivas and Angora which are all Islamic while I am Orthodox. My 10,000 soldiers plan to wait for my neighbors to fight amongst themselves and then wait for an opportunity to annex one of them while their soldiers of off fighting elsewhere.

    Tragically enough the first declaration of war that we hear of is Konya's declaration on us, and our brave monarch Hamza prepares his soldiers for the onslaught of the infidels. They invade in May of 1419 and are only beaten back by the last minute reinforcement of the new recruits that Hamza called up immediately after war broke out. And so in June, Hamza persued the retreating Konyites back into their squallid hovels. However, we are in our turn were beaten back and persued into our homelands were we were beaten again. Hamza rallied his forces in the wastes of Aleppo before counterattacking and being beaten again. Meanwhile war raged all around and Smyrna had annexed Anatolia.

    In a final desperate gamble, Hamza's forces snuck through the enemie's lines in Adana and beseiged the warmongering scum in Konya. But despite beating off several attacks by the Konyites, Adana fell to the invaders in September of 1420

    Starting Territory: 1
    Ending Territory: 0
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    Last edited by Bosh; November 26, 2003, 10:09.
    Stop Quoting Ben

  • #2
    Chapter 2
    Albania - name derives from the Albanoi tribe who lived in what is now North East Albania in classical times.
    September 1420-August 1421
    The realm of Ioannes I was in desperate straights in September of 1420. We had no allies and were at war with Macedonia, (who had previously conquered Hellas), Ragusa and Kosovo. The shattered remants of our army (5,000 men) was beseiging Macedonia while an immense heterogeneous force of 42,000 men was ravaging our homeland. As we had no hope of standing against such a number we decided to continue to seige of Thessaloniki while desperately searching for allies. But Bosnia wisely turned down our alliance offer and the situation grew ever darker. But then Bosnia declared war on Kosovo of its own volition and soon later the Cretan conquerers of the Morea attacked Macedonia so a thin ray of hope shown through the gathering stormclouds.
    This hope was shattered in November when a Macedonian army broke our seige of Thessaloniki and squished our pathetic little army and while our army retreated to Hellas all seemed lost. However if we were to go down we would go down with big goopy splotches of Macedonian blood on our hands and in Hellas we assisted a considerable Cretan army in their seige of Athens.
    The situation became even more murky when by the spring of 1421 Bulgaria was at war with Macedonia and Ionia was at war with Crete (this sort of thing is what happens when you play the Independent Europe Scenario on furious). In April the Bulgarian invasion of Macedon was repulsed but Hellas fell to the Cretans, leaving the war balancing on a knive's edge. Our brave army then marched north and played a crucial role in the Cretan victory before the walls of Thessaloniki in May. The brutality of the rapine in our beloved homeland was further reduced when the Kosovans agreed to become a part of Bosnia thanks to the convincing arguements of a wide range of sharp pointy things in May.
    But then, despite assisting the Cretans in beating off several attacks on Macedonia, Albania fell to the Macedonian peasants in August of 1421.
    Starting Territory: 1
    Ending Territory: 0
    If the massive number of wars going on is confusing you then you're not the only one, but don't worry things calm down considering in IES after the initial spate of wars.
    Attached Files
    Stop Quoting Ben


    • #3
      Good start!


      • #4
        well at least I survive in this one:

        Chapter 3
        Algarve - Etymology unknown (at least by me)
        August 1421-October 1431 (overstayed my tens years by a bit)

        As the summer of 1421 begins to burn itself out in Spain the tide of war that has washed over the land has left behind some interesting debris. The Algarve/Estremaduran alliance rule two provinces each and are in possession of considerable armies, having conquered Tago and Castilla respectively. They are currently at war with Leon and the only other other two-province nations we know of are the Austurians who rule Galicia and the Andalusians who, in alliance with Granada, have conquered Gibraltar. Things seem to be beginning on a good note, perhaps Duarte III will even survive his appointed ten years span.
        After an Estremaduran invasion of Leon is met with defeat, we come to the aid of our ally, and in a hard-fought battle in January of 1422, we beat back the Leonese and chase them home. Despite massive attrition an allied force then beseiges the Leonese which results in their annexation by us in June. This brings us news from the east, namely that Cantabaria and Gerona have both expanded successfully. In an act of glorius opportunism we then send our armies into Oporto and take over the Austurian seige and soon enough Oporto is ours and Portugal has been unified, and Leon provided with a land connection to our glorius capital.
        Not wanting our new Oportan soldiers to go to waste, we then attack Austurias with an army of 44,000 men. Let our stability and reputation be damned! However this was possibly not the wisest possible decision, for in November of 1422 Andalucia declares war. Due to superior generalship the Austrians win two battles against our much large army in quick succession, but at least our Estremaduran allies keep the damn Moors occupied in the south.
        But however it seems that the Austurian commander was killed in these battles, for in the next two they suffer humiliating defeats at our hands. In the south the war progresses with the Andalucian's Granadan allies being freed up by their annexation of Toledo. Thankfully, my Estremaduran alliance proves its worth yet again by the induction of Navarre into our alliace in January of 1424. Hopefully this will turn the tides against our enemies, however with the cost of maintaining our army is driving us ever deeper in debt, we hope that we will be able to prevail before we are bankrupted.
        In June Galicia falls to us and is rapidly followed by the Asturian capital in July, which results in them handing over Galicia to us. Oh how greatly has our empire grown!. The army is then sent to Leon to retake the province from some ungrateful rebels after they are defeated we disband half of our army and all of our fleet in a desperate attempt to meet our loan payments. And in September we are greeted with yet more reasons to love and adore our Estremaduran allies as Valencia is induced into our alliance, this so panics the Andalucians that they recognize their defeat and offer our alliance tribute merely a month later. Duarte then dies happy and is succeaded by Duarte IV.
        Under Duarte the IV the peninsula settles down for a period of peace as Duarte scrambles for revenue to pay off the immense loans incurred by his profligate father. That is, until Cantabria declares war on us in August of 1426 and the Valencians desert our alliance. The Cantabarians invade Navarre en masse, allowing us to beseige their capitol with graceful ease. However in March of 1426 the very silly Valencians, who do not border us, decide to join the war against us and Navarre abandons our alliance only to rejoin it in October. To further sweeten the situation the Cantabarian capitol of Bilbao falls to us in November and we graciously allow them to continue as an independent nation in return for crushing war indemnities that are desperately needed to pay off our debts. Seeing that they are left to fight us alone Valencia wisely does the same the following month, although they are far less generous with their treasury.
        Peace reigns again until September of 1429 when the Asturians, spoiling for vengance, declare war. The loyal Estremadurans stay at our side while the Navarrans again absent themselves only to rejoin the alliance days later along with, strangely enough, the Valencians. We continued to be amazed by the magnificence of Estremaduran diplomacy. Soon later the Andalucians declare war yet again. By March of 1430 the Asturians face Portugese steel in a number of victorius battles and after the Estremadurans take over the seige of the enemey capitol of Burgos, Duarte orders his forces south to beat back the Moors.
        We are defeated by the Moors in an attempt to attack Andalucia and then in May of 1430 an extremally strange turn of events take place. Our Estremaduran allies annex Asturias (as we had intended) and our former Navarran allied declare war upon us. We ready our battered army to fight the Moors in the south and the Basques in the east. When the Moorish army absents itself we beseige Seville in Andalucia while the Estremaduran army, bloated by the inclusion of the defeated Asturians moves into position. However we are beaten back from the walls of Seville and left with a pathetic rump of 4,000 men to fight all of our many enemies.
        As the year winds down, the Navaresse invaders capture Leon from us while we beat back Moorish seaborne raids and a massive Estremaduran army beseiges Seville before settling for a separate peace. As we move on to greener pastures we leave many questions behind us. Although we have payed off 2/3 of the old Asturian war debt Algarve remains deeply indebted with rapidly rising inflation, two enemies and a depleted army. On the other hand we have more than doubled its size to five provinces. But how long would those provinces remain in Portugese hands without us to guide King Duarte?

        Starting Territory: 2
        Ending Territory: 5
        Attached Files
        Stop Quoting Ben


        • #5
          Your 'score' jumped from -2 to +1 in one round, that isn't bad.


          • #6
            Kropotkin, yeah and now I get up to a technical +3 but I think I deserve a +4 since Mercia was a complete lost cause in the first war

            Chapter 4
            Andalucia - Derived from the name of the Vandal tribes which occupied southern Spain before being pushed into North Africa by the Goths.
            October 1431-November 1441 (overstayed acciddentally by a month)

            If I had anything to say about it King Duarte would lose every inch of the conquests we had helped him gain, for we now had the ear of Muhammad IV of Andalucia. But it was not apparent how much say we would have, for while we owned Andalucia, Granada and Murcia we were currently at war with not only Algarve, but our old Grenadan allies who currently greatly outnumbered our 6,000-man army and held our Mercian territory. The situation looked grim for Muhammad and his Moors so he sent a white peace offer to the Algarvans, who wisely accepted it and agreed to the Grenadan demand for Murcia.
            We had been battered, but now we had peace and time to plan our vengance. Our ridiculously large fleet was disbanded to cut costs and our army was bolstered by 3,000 new infantrymen. Meanwhile to the east our island neighbors stuck their ugly heads into Peninsular affairs when the Beleares annexed Valencia in April of 1432. Later, in December, we felt a tinge of nostalgia to see that Duarte had managed to extricate himself from the Navarran war by only paying indemnities, instead of placing Leon in their dirty Basque claws. And for the thousanth time, our mind boggled at the sublime sublety of Estremaduran diplomacy when Navarre entered the Algarve/Estremaduran alliance in Febuary of 1433.
            We waited for an opportunity to present itself and one did in October of 1434 when Estremadura declared war on our vile Grenadan ex-allies. As soon as the Andalucian army absented itself we invaded and began drooling over the Alhambra, truce be damned! Thanks to superior generalship our brave soldiers repulsed a relief force that outnumbered us 2:1 and continued our seige with 5,000 reinforcements. Grenada fell in September of 1435 while the Estremadurans beseiged Toledo and the remants of the Grenadan army lurked in Murcia. It was time to flush the traitors out of their holes! But our first assault was beaten off. Meanwhile war raged to the north, with Cantabaria having wrested Aragon from the war-ravaged Narvarre and Algarve continued on the path we had set it on by immediately attacking Cantabara.
            Tragically the Estremadurans then beat us to Murcia and we were forced to wait until they annexed Toledo from the Grenadans before moving our army to beseige the poor harried Murcians. The Estremadurans then backstabbed us by immediately declaring war and attempting to beat us off from Murcia. The Christian scum! However the war with the Grenadans continued and Murcia was handed back to its rightful owners in January of 1438. Again winning against incredible odds, we beat off a Estremaduran seige of our capitol and moved in on the Christian's heartland. Despite suffering ruinous casualties in a series of battles and the enemy outnumbering us to a ridiculous extend, the foolish Estremadurans gave up Toledo to us in Febuary of 1439, it must have been the threat to convert all of the females of the royal family to alternate employment that convinced them.
            We then broke yet another truce with the Grenadans, and sent our victorius army in to finish them off. Meanwhile to the north Algarve had taken Aragon from the Cantabarans and was now embroiled in a was with the Estremadurans. As the war between the two old allies raged fiercely, we crushed the Grenadans after an embarrassing initial defeat and incorporated them into our realm, which now ruled all the Moors of Spain by April of 1440. The last months of our appointed ten years were spend not fighting a war against the Balaeric Islands who declared war on us and then did nothing to persue it.
            And so in ten years through good generalship, good luck, iron nerves and a complete disregard for treaties we had brought all of southern Spain under the flag of a nation that had been on the verge of defeat. The only worry we had on our minds was of a resurgent Estremadura who was even then beating the Algarve quite badly in their war.
            Starting Territory: 3
            Ending Territory: 5
            Attached Files
            Stop Quoting Ben


            • #7
              Chapter 5
              Angora - etymology is something Phrygian, bit hard to figure out what due to the Celtic conquest
              November 1441-May 1443

              The situation in Asia Minor has changed greatly since the days of Hamza of Adana. Currently Angora is a pathetic little vassal (only 10,000 soldiers) of the Kurds who hold a dominant position of eastern Asia Minor (although their size is somewhat exaggerated due to the number of colonies that they hold). To our north is an outpost of the Kurd's sizable Crimean ally and the Armenians who are allied with the Georgians of Sivas and whose thin strip of territory streches from Trabzon to the Caspian. West of us is only the small nation of Anatolia, while to our south is Konya and the beyond them the strong power of Taurus.

              The time had come to end Angora's subservience. We immediately sign an alliance with Taurus, and discover that they apparently have not a single man under arms which causes our noble King Havef VI some worry. This is especially the case when Konya and its 30,000 soldiers declare war on us in December. In Febuary of 1442, after a hardfought battle, they evict our small army from our beloved homeland. Things begin to look somewhat better when our enemies vacate their seige postion and our allies in Taurus raises a new 10,000 man army.

              In an effort to sow the land of Adana with yet more blood we beseige it and beat off three sizable attacks. However this victories chip away at our manpower and in the forth battle the remants of our army (181 men) retreats to Taurus in August of 1442. From then on there is nothing we can do until our beloved capitol falls to the Konyites in May of 1443 and they annex us.....again.

              Meanwhile in Spain little has changed. Algarve managed to end its war with Estremadura without losing any territory and it is now engaged in a war that it seems to be losing against Andalucia. Meanwhile the Andalucian war with the Balaerics had ended with the Estremadurans fighting the annoying islanders instead and in the north the Navarese have taken Cantabaria. It will be interesting to see who comes out on top in the end in the Iberian Peninsula.

              Starting Territory: 1
              Ending Territory: 0
              Attached Files
              Stop Quoting Ben


              • #8
                Chapter 6
                Apulia - Name redrives from the Greek name Iapygia or land of the Iapyges, an Illyrian people.
                May 1443-August 1446

                Our next victim, um, posting is in Apulia. As Cristoforo greets us to his realm, we are infuriated that while he has a sizable fleet the Apulian army is completely non-existant and our treasury is by no means bulging. How in the name of God are we to drench the world in blood if we have no soldiers to do it with? To make matters worse, there are no easy targets. Sicily and the remainder of south Italy is ruled by Rome, who is even now persueing a war against Seina in the Marche. To our east, Macedonia dominates the Balkans. The only vulnerable targets are Ragusan Illyria and the islands of Corfu and Crete. Curses!

                In September, as the Macedonians sent their armies north to Bosnia we recruited an awe-inspiring force of a thousand men. Let all the world tremble before the might of Apulia! After noting that our yearly tax adds only 17 florins to our treasury we press Cristoforo for greater funding by negotiating a loan and when he proves recalcitrant he is conveniently succeaded by Francesco III. We sink these funds into recruiting an army worthy of the name and prepare for war against the Romans.

                Due to manpower limitations we are forced to wait until January 1445 until an army of 15,000 men is ready to face the 9,000-man Roman Sicilian garrison. And as the air fills with the air wafting south from the Seinese seige of Naples, we declare war on the Romans. When we attack we are shocked to find that the Roman force is suddenly swelled to a somewhat more sizble 23,000, which proceeds to defeat us in detail. And as this sizable force chases us north we dig in and defeat them and then persue them back into Sicily. As we defeat the Sicilian garrison again, the Romans sign a peace with the Seinese and a Roman army marches from the north past Naples to beseige our capitol.

                The Roman Sicilian garrison then rallies and annihilates our army and soon later, in August of 1446, our capitol of Taranto falls to the Romans. In retrospect an amphibious invasion of on of our eastern neighbors may have been wiser, but we had no way of knowing that over ten thousand Romans were hiding in western Sicily and that the Seinese would agree to peace so quickly.

                Back in Iberia little has changed except that the heroic Andalucians have wrested Tago from Algarve and a rather resultury Estremadura/Navarre vs. Gerona war is taking place.

                Starting Territory: 1
                Ending Territory: 0
                Attached Files
                Stop Quoting Ben


                • #9
                  Hillarious :=)
                  Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


                  • #10
                    Chapter 7
                    Armenia - name may mean Mountain of Mani (ie Ararat)
                    August 1446-August 1456

                    Our next victim, I mean posting, is in Armenia. And Armenia is in a much better position then our last two countries. Our army numbers an immense 50,000, we dominate the Black Sea to Caspian corridor and enjoy colonial territories to the east (4 territories and 2 colonies). We are allied with Sochi, with whom we are currently beating the snot out of Ufa. Our only other neighbors are a cut-off bit of Nizhgorod territory in Samara, the one-province state of Azow, Koyna (our old friends!) and Kurdistan who are engaged in a war to the south.

                    Since we cannot possibly afford to pay the upkeep of our massive army we decide to make use of it immediately. Liberating Agora and Adana from Konya is certainly tempting, but it would give us an unweildly strip of territory reaching to the Mediterranean, so instead we send our army against Kurdistan with an eye towards seizing their substantial colonial possessions to the south, peace treaty be damned!

                    We rapidly crush their capitol's garrison, while the Kurds beat the Konyites in Sivas and then beat us in our Trabzon teritory. Meanwhile a small raiding force takes over Kurdistan's undefended colonial territories of Azerbaijan, Nuyssaybin and Aleppo. But in September of 1447, we are repulsed from Kurdistan by a much smaller Kurdish force. As the war continues to rage, Ufa hands over Volgograd to our Sochi allies in December of 1447.

                    We then send half of our army north on vacation to fight Azow in a war that our Sochin ally starts while the Konyites keep the Kurdish army busy in the south. Our northern army faces a series of humiliating defeats at the hands of a much smaller Azow army, but we manage to take the Kurdish capitol. We then send our entire army north to finally stamp out the Azowies and in March of 1449 they are annexed.

                    After taking Sivas (the Konyites have settled for war indemnities) and handing over Azow to the Crimeans who were pouring large armies in from the north and after a series of quite pathetic defeats against the rump of the Kurdish army (in which they emerge victorius against odds nearly 20:1 against them) we finally retake the last of their unfortified provinces and in the subsequent peace treaty we take all Kurdish territory except for Kurdistan itself. We are surprised to see that the Azerbaijani capitol has a prosperous population of over 2,000 and is thus no longer a colony.

                    Only weeks later, in May of 1452 our Sochi allies, while engaged in a war against the remnants of Ufa get themselves into a war with Crimea, which obliges us to break yet another peace treaty. We let our allies handle the Crimeans while we beseige Kurdistan yet again. By October of 1452, Ufa has been annexed by Sochi, which frees up their army to engage the Crimeans, who are even now beseiging us in Kouban and in November Sochi attempts to drag us into yet another war, this time with Nizhgorod and as this is quite ridiculou, we refuse. We are worried about the rambifications of breaking our alliance but it is not as if this could make our stability drop any lower. The war continues, with us sending a newly-recruited army to attempt to retake Kouban from the Crimeans while the Sochians keep the Crimeans busy in Azow and in September of 1453 Kurdistan falls to us and we welcome it and its famed sword-smiths into our realm and send our newly freed-up army north.

                    Thanks to actually having a competant general for the first time, we quickly retake Kouban and crush a Crimean army that attempts to retake it and in Febuary of 1454 we order our army to advance into Azow, it will be ours again! Azow falls in August but then we are beaten by a smaller Crimean force. Aaargh is there no limit to the incompetance of our soldiers? And so we beseige Lugnask while a newly-recruited army attempts to liberal Kouban from the Crimeans yet again. After Lugnansk falls in March, we move on to the Crimean capitol, but we are beaten off by a Crimean army so we send our western army to join the beseigers of Kouban. By November of 1455, Lubnansk is back in Crimean hands and Kouban is back in ours and we lead our reconstituted army, now numbering 27,000 on the offensive yet again but after being beaten and due to a outbreak of rebels in the south and a declaration of war on the part of Anatolia we grudgingly agree to a white peace. After crushing the rebels and then ordering our army to engage the invading Anatolians our posting in Armenia came to an end and we retire, hoping that Armenia would be able to win the war without our advice.

                    Meanwhile back in Spain a bloody ten years have transpired in our absence, with our beloved Andalucians winning a brilliant string of wars against Algarve and Estremadura, however a new power had emerged from the NE and Bern had come into possession of much of northern Spain and was now at war with Andalucia, would the war weary Moors be able to hold the line against the resurgent Basques? However, luckily enough the Bearnies were also at war with Guyanne, which dominates the Aquitaine so it seems like Andalucia was on the verge of ushing in an age of Moorish domination of Spain.

                    Starting Territory: 6
                    Ending Territory: 11 (but will count it as 10 due to the number of colonies captured, but Armenia's position completely dominating the SE routes of colonization is definately worth something)
                    Attached Files
                    Stop Quoting Ben


                    • #11
                      and a map of Spain
                      Attached Files
                      Stop Quoting Ben


                      • #12
                        Very nice.
                        Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                        • #13
                          Kaigons thread about it.

                          You'll have to read through it until you find the version applicable to whichever patch you're using.

                          Note however that you'll have to get the graphics file from his homepage.


                          • #14
                            +5 then, the Armenian chapter was a complete success!


                            • #15
                              Except for the failure to regain Azov, should have waited for peace with the Kurd/Crimean alliance before annexing it, that was quite stupid of me.

                              And I HIGHLY recommend this scenario, its a bit of pain to survive the first few years (you'll probably have to restart a couple times before you get the hang of it and even after I figured out what to do I get annexed a lot) but after that its great.
                              Stop Quoting Ben

