Amazingly I'm not broke........but it doesn't come out here for like another 10 years, and I happened to catch sight of it on an IRC fserver whilst downloading backups of my legally owned software. I never was good at resisting temptation.
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Hearts of Iron
DF: As Germany you don't need much of a fleet to take out UK. Wait until their main fleet is out of the channel area, or draw them out with some subs, then land your troops.
You may lose some of your convoy transports, but it's not a big deal. Once you take all the ports their fleet has to go away, or becomes useless and you can pick it apart with bombers and the fleet you have.
In my first game as Germany I got Austria to let me annex them in early 37. I had read the manual so I thought allies could trade with you, so I got Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania into the Axis.
When the Czechs refused my territorial demands I declared war bringing in the allies. I finished the Czechs, French, low countries (except lux), UK all in 38. Then I went down to Africa and took Belgiums colonies, which gave me lots of rubber!
Then I took Yugo for a port on the Med, then over to Syria, and Iraq, also took Malta. I took Poland out sometime during 39 too.
While the SU was fighting the winter war I got Finland into the axis and tried to save them, I failed, but forced the "bitter peace" event with the SU giving me everything up to the Urals in just 21 days of fighting.
Then I took out Turkey, Iran, Afganistan, and was taking more of Africa, when I got a crash which would have wiped out all that, so I stopped playing that game since it was obvious who was going to win
Funny thing was that the US never declared war on me during all that.Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi Wan's apprentice.
I have just invaded the Netherlands and hold all 4 provinces, but for some reason I cannot annex it. Any ideas why?
They still own most of Indonesia. Just let them remain independent until Japan takes care of the problem for you or until you can invade Indonesia yourself.
In my current game, I had to take all of the bloody US islands in order to annex it. My world conquest will be complete once I finish off Australia and New Zealand.Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at
Get THIS - I beat the hell out of Poland, annexed their country - and all of a sudden, 60+ of my divisions DISAPPEARED from the mapFollow me on Twitter:
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That's absurd. I own their country, dammit. They should be forced to surrender (they did in 1940, after all!)
Get THIS - I beat the hell out of Poland, annexed their country - and all of a sudden, 60+ of my divisions DISAPPEARED from the map"Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way. "
In fact, some Dutch warships participated in the naval armadas during the invasions of Italy and Normandy.
Most significantly, two Dutch gunboats screened the British monitor Abercrombie during Operation Avalanche.Follow me on Twitter:
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Its a hiccup in the annexation routine. All your units that were sharing a province with the defeated side (because either you or they are retreating or whatever) will be moved to the force pool and can be redeployed in ~24 hours. I believe 1.2 is fixing this.
There's a more serious annoyance where if you capture say formerly Chinese provinces from the Japanese then save, when you load the game back those provinces will be Chinese instead of yours.
That hasn't stopped me playing games as all of the major powers already (up to the point of inevitability, not 1948) and itching to play more when the next patch arrives.To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.
I own their country, dammit.
You are still getting their production, are you not?Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at
Bah, but I WANT to annex it. It's MINE. MEIN MEIN MEIN.
And why is it there are no peace negotiations? I should be able to do more than either "sue for peace" or "annex." It should be like EU, with bargaining and such. I have all of NE France, the Italians have Marseilles and the Spanish have two of their SW provinces, so it's about damn time they gave up.Tutto nel mondo è burla
Huh, looks interesting.
It looks better than EU2, because the game doesn't go forever with a lot of boring time (to keep the game somewhat realistic). This is a wargame.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
Well, had a CTD today, and am thinking I'm gonna wait for the next patch before taking it up again. The AI is just pathetic and needs to be improved a lot. I watched most of their ships rust away in the water and sink without them moving them at all. The British Fleet literally just melted away. Huh?Tutto nel mondo è burla
Perhaps they didn't have enough supplies?Follow me on Twitter:
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